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He tries to get out of the tub, and she almost passes out.


As a drunk Jin clumsily lifts himself out of the water, she lunges for a towel.

He's already out. She can hear the water dripping down his body and onto the tile floor, his socks squeaking on the floor with every step.

She quickly turns around as she throws him a towel, waiting for him to wrap it around his waist.

Byulyi can't look now. At the condition she's in, she doesn't know how she'll react to seeing him naked.

It might end up very, very explicit...

When he's done, Jin snakes his arms her waist from behind, pressing his damp body against her back. She can feel the water that's left on his skin as it seeps into her clothing, and she winces at the uncomfortable feeling.

"PriNcess," He hiccups into her ear. "Princesssss you're avoiiiidinggg meee why, what did I do? I've been shush a good boy." His buries his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. "You don't likeeeeee me anyshmore, right Princess?"

Byulyi huffs, about to open her mouth when his hands tighten around her stomach.

"Oh!" He yells suddenly, laughing at the sound of his voice. "I forgot, you hash to drink too!"

"What?" Is all she manages to say as he's dragging her into the kitchen, towel and all.

She lets Jin drag her through the hall, feeling his balance wobble as he guides the way.

He gives her a massive grin as he waves the half-empty bottle in front of her.

"Seriously? There's barely anything left." She walks past him and grabs a water bottle. "Look, Jin, you need to sober up, okay?"

"No!" He huffs, crossing his arms. "This is for you! You gotta drink it with me!"

"No, Jin. Drink this water now."

Eyes clouded with alcohol and anger, his lips twitch in irritation. "Byulie, drink."

"Jin!" She groans exasperatedly. "I'm not about to sit here and go back and forth with you. Drink the damn–"

She can't finish her sentence.

Instead, as she's speaking, he takes a huge swing from the bottle in his hand. Then he curls an arm around her waist and, faster than she can process, slams her into his bare chest.

She shrieks and spreads her hands across his collarbone for balance, gaping up into his face that's now a look of dark lust.

Then he smashes his lips on hers.

Miss Byulyi??? Omfg she fuckin–

When her mouth opens with motion, Jin allows his lips to part slightly, spilling the Wine from his mouth to hers. The stream of liquid is warm from the heat of his mouth as it rolls over her tongue.

Byulyi has no choice but to swallow.

The wine burns it's way into her stomach as Jin pulls away from her. His dazed eyes watch her lazily and his tongue swipes over his lips. "Mm, Princess. You taste better than I thought."

She can't speak, breathe. Her heart is pounding.

"What was that?!" She exclaims, fingers hovering over her lips.

He cocks his head to the side. "I had to make you drink it. Joonie said. Dontshu like it, Princess?"

Byulyi feels her blood start to boil. Namjoon again? What is Namjoon teaching this kid? How much does he know?

Suddenly, Jin pulls her back to him, cupping her jaw in his hand and kissing her again. He captures her lips with his, using his mouth to spread hers wide so he can slip his tongue inside.

He lets his tongue across her bottom lip, then bites it, tugging his teeth across the tender skin. She whimpers at the sensation.

Byulyi wants more.

Needs more.

"Princess's been soooo bad." He purrs against her lips.

He pulls away and pushes her back a little, her hips hitting the kitchen counter. He bends over, dragging his tongue in a burning trail from her ear to her collarbone, where he begins to suck and bite at her skin.

"Byulie," he mutters. "Why do you do that?"

He stops kissing her, letting his head rest on his shoulder. "Why do you act like you don't want me? It makes me sad..."

He trails off into silence, leaning his body against hers. He goes limp.

"Jin?" She breathes.

Soon, soft snoring vibrates on her skin. He passed out.

She huffs and wraps her arms around him, lifting his weight against her in attempt to keep him from falling on the ground.

Struggling to bring him to the couch, his words echo in her mind.

"Why do you act like you don't want me? It makes me sad."

Why is she doing this? What's the point?

It's obvious they want each other, so what's holding her back?

Nothing. She ordered him. He's all hers. That's her manz.

It's time for Byulyi to admit that she doesn't have a reason to not be with him.

It's time to admit that maybe she wants to be his.

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A/N: lol while I was writing this I almost spit out my, venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots (1 1/2 shots decaf, 2 1/2 shots regular), no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon Mocha.

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