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The Death of Kim Namjoon

Rest In Peace, Joonie
He showed Jin porn
And after Moon Star heard
He wished he was never born

—written by Jennie Kim
—performed by Sana Minatozaki


"Byulie, stop!" Jin tightens his grip around her waist, pulling with all his might.

She's much smaller than him, but her anger had pushed her body to limits. Huffing, he pulls again as she lunges.

"Fake ass bitch!" She screeches. "How could you? I trusted you!"

She braces her arms on either side of the open doorway that they're standing in and tries to use it to push herself forward.

Namjoon is across the room, hiding behind the couch and peeking at the wrestling duo. On either side of him, Jennie and Sana are watching with widely horrified eyes.

He also has a cup of tea, sipping it quietly as Byulyi goes rapid.

"Joonie," Jennie whispers cautiously. "I think you shouldn't have shown Jinnie those videos."

"You think?" Namjoon snaps. "That little snitch..."

Jin winces as Byulyi digs her elbow into his ribs, escaping from his grasp.

Namjoon screams when her strategy works, and drops his mug of tea.

He immediately runs to the back of the apartment as she chases him with full steam. Desperate to get into a room with a lock, he aims for his bedroom while Jin sprints after them.

Namjoon crashes into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him and flicking the lock. Byulyi grunts as she smashes into the closed door with all the force she can handle.

"Princess, calm down." He sighs, slinging his arms around her hips and lifting her over his shoulder.

She pounds her little fists into his back in protest. "What are you doing? Put me down! I'm not finished with him!"

He stumbles away from the door of Namjoon's bedroom, holding tight to the squirming body over his shoulder. When he passes through the living room, Sana and Jennie remain behind the couch, watching intently.

"Good luck!" Sana calls out as they exit.

He nods in return, knowing he'll need it.

She changed from beating his back and attempted to push herself up, bracing her hands on his back. Obviously, she fails, but her actions alert him of something he didn't see before.

That ass ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

He makes the mistake of glancing to the side and his hormones almost lose it. Eyes locked on her wiggling bottom, he feels his hand unconsciously lift and move toward the temptation.

As soon as he realizes, he forces his hand back to his side. No, Jin. This isn't a game anymore. You can't just touch her inappropriately because that's how you're designed, you're smarter and better than that.

He gulps and nods to himself in reassurance.

He carries her into her apartment and closes the door behind him, locking it. He doesn't let her down until they reach the bedroom, where he plops her still-struggling body onto the mattress.

Instantly, she shoots up and runs for the door, but Jin catches her and gently pins her on the bed with her wrist.

"No!" She tries to pull her wrist from his tight hold. "He tried to get you to seduce me! What kind of friend does that? That bitch ass–"

Wincing at her tone, he drops all of his body weight on her, smushing her to the mattress and cutting off her words.

His weight works as some kind of safety blanket, calming her as she lays beneath him. He ignores the feel of her body under his and listens to her heartbeat, pleased as it slows down.

When she's still enough, he rolls on his side and brings her with him, holding her close.

"You know, Jin, I think I'm starting to like you."

His head snaps up in excitement. "Really?"

"Platonically." She confirms. "It just took me some time to adjust to you, and it still is. I never met a genetically engineered human nor did I know they existed."

He nuzzles his face on the top of her head, and inhales the scent deeply. "I'll wait forever if I have to, Princess."

Byulyi wasn't planning on sending him back, she wanted to keep him in her care. Her boring life finally had something interesting occurring. Raising a robot? More likely than you think.

"I promise to not try anything with you again." He smiles into her hair, looking down at her with adoring eyes. "No more, Princess."

"I know, Jin. I trust you." She hums.

He clears his throat and hugs her tightly, his mind going blank and hot for a spilt second.

Byulyi trusts him.

He just hopes he can trust himself.

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A/N: AMeRicA ExpLaiN-


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