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girl front.

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Byulyi sat up straight, eyes wide open when a shattering noise roars through her apartment.

"I knew that thing was planning on killing me." She ripped the blankets off herself and rushed into the living room.

The scent of something burning hits her nose as she follows the black smoke leading into the kitchen.

Jin's standing in the middle of the kitchen, apron on full display, and a frying pan sitting on the stove.

Fire surges up from a burnt black lump sitting dryly in the middle of the pan. The thing that was once food is so blackened that she couldn't even tell what kind of food it was.

He hums cheerfully, poking at the lump with a half-melted plastic spatula. When he sees Byulyi he grins. "Princess, I'm making waffles!"

"Are you crazy?" She shrieks. "The waffles are on fire!"

He blinks, looking at the burning pan in his hand. "Oh. Are they not suppose to be?"

"No!" She sprints to the sink and fills a cup with water, pouring it over the burning food.

Thank goodness there wasn't any oil in the pan, otherwise the water wouldn't have put out the flame.

Needless to say, they would've been fuckin dead oof.

"I'm sorry, Princess." He saddens, soft voice murmuring. "I was just trying to make you breakfast."

She tries to pry the dead waffle off the pan, sighing irritatingly. When the waffle finally becomes unglued from the pan and flopping stiffly into the trash can, she glares at him.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, saving his ass from her wrath.

Then, without permission, the door slams open and loud voices carry into the living room.

"Byul, get out here and help a bitch out!"

Namjoon. Of course.

Who else would barge into her apartment without asking first?

Not even a whole second later, two small bodies slide around the corner of the kitchen. Sana slams into Byulyi full force, almost knocking her over as she wraps her arms around her, sniffing sadly into Byulyi's shoulder.

"Tell him to stop, Byulie. Joonie's being mean." She pouts.

Jennie then joins Sana as she embraces Byulyi into a hug sandwich. "Byulie!" She smiles. "We missed you, please visit us again."

"Come here," Namjoon hisses, pulling Byulyi away from the embracing duo.

She follows him into her bedroom, exhaling deeply in relief. When he closes the door behind them, she takes a good look at his appearance. His hair is frizzy and clothes look like he's been fighting bears.

He looked like a wreck.

"Do you want to send them back?" He stares her down, serious and intense.

"Is that even a question? Yes bitch. Why?"

"Because, Byul," he snarls angrily. "They don't want to go back."

He yanks up his sleeve, revealing a bright red bite mark on his arm.

"The fuck?" She cringes. "What happened?"

"Sana happened." He says seriously. "I told them we were sending them to where they came from, but they refuse to go back."

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A/N: tae with long hair is the new movement and that's on shy shy shy. 😳

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