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rendezvous 18

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rendezvous 18.6y.

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This week has been exhausting.

Finals are starting to appear in the distance, and Byulyi's stress level is at its worst. Jin's been taking late shifts all week, not stumbling home until almost midnight. On top of that, they're still nowhere near the amount Jin costs.

But that's just how the broke bitch life is.

So, to ease of any stress, they decide to have a movie night.

Byulyi's making popcorn while Jin's picking out a movie.

"Princess," he calls. "What is–" the slams of the microwave door momentarily blurs his voice, and she misses the middle of his question. "...Grey?"

Without waiting for her answer, he clicks the remote and the opening credits begin to play.

Grey? Like the color?

Groaning, she grabs the popcorn from the microwave. At times, he can be so dumb. She thought he would pick out something interesting, but no.

A dumbass movie about colors.

"It's just a color." She sighs, stepping into the living room. "There's nothing exciting– what the hell!"

Not just Grey, Byul.


As in Fifty Shades of Grey.

She stares in horror at the woman being chained and such. The kinky movie causes her to squeal in embarrassment.

"No, wrong movie!" She exclaims, rushing towards him on the couch and desperately grabbing the remote.

She presses the power button, and the TV turns black. "Boy, what do you think you're doing?"

"I picked a movie!" He raises his hands in defense. "I did what you told me to, Princess."

"Anything but that movie, just... god."

"But, what's so bad about it? It seems fun." His hands clasps around her waist and draw her to his lap.

"Uh, that movie ain't it." She crosses her arms. "Not something you should be watching either, kiddo."

"I'm not a little boy, Princess. You and I both know that. Especially you."

He does a little playful hip-thrust under her, and she laughs at his actions.

It's soon cut off when his lips brush hers once, twice, then come again for a deep kiss.

"Please don't let them take me away, Princess." He says against her lips. "I love you... you're my home."

She pulls back, pausing to gauge his features. "I'll protect you if that's the last thing I do. You mean a lot to me." She smiles.


1 New Notification!

To Moon Byulyi:

Listen bitch– I meant, ma'am. We know you seen our first warning, now this is your second.

The end of this month is next week, please pay the price. Otherwise, we'll retrieve our bot back. By force.

His memory will be erased and he'll be reprogrammed. If you want to keep him, then we highly suggest you meet our requirements. Remember, our bots are a privilege, not a right.



Her smile slowly fades and turns into a frown. She guesses it's time for her next and ONLY option.

The stripper pole🤪.

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A/N: :)))))))))))

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