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Hoseok and Pimptastic loaned money, thankfully.

But it wasn't enough.

The money sent was enough to pay for Jennie and at least Sana, but sadly, not a penny for Jin.

Hoseok and Pimptastic did their charity work. If Namjoon and Byulyi ask for an extra 650, then that would seem a little greedy. Also, pushing it.

But, the end of the month was coming soon, and they needed to think fast.

It's a struggle, though. Byulyi and Namjoon can barely pay for their own rent. They were having some financial issues. They were...broke.

Not that broke, but still cheap, broke ass hoes regardless.

"Princess," Jin mumbles from the bedroom. "Should I get a job?"

She spares him a glance from the bathroom doorway, water and soap trickling down her face. "What makes you say that?"

She knows why. It's because Namjoon found openings at GameStop yesterday and took Sana and Jennie to apply for the jobs.

With a sigh, he pushes himself up from the bed and paces into the bathroom, leaning against the counter with arms on either side of her.

"I know how hard it is for you to afford me." He places a tiny kiss on the side of her neck. "So, shouldn't I get a job? I want to help you."

She pats a towel across her face, thinking hard.

She knows Jin isn't comfortable being with loads of people he doesn't know, and that's exactly what he'll do if he gets a job.

"You do know that a job involves talking to a lot of people, right?" She steps back into her bedroom, him trailing right behind her.

He gasps. "Wait... seriously?"

"Yeah, can you handle that?"

"Uhm, yeah." He coughs, not sounding confident. "That's not a problem."

Byulyi shakes her head, grabbing her skin-care stuff from the drawer. "You don't sound too sure." She stalks back into the bathroom. "I can manage for now, because I only have you. Namjoon has Jennie and Sana, so he kinda has the extra income."

He follows behind her like an annoying puppy. "Let me work."


She begins to squeeze moisturizer in her hand, glancing at the mirror just in time to see Jin stare at her with intense eyes.

"Let me work." He says again, hands carelessly tugging off his shirt and throwing it to the side.

Her breathing hitches as she attempts to escape, but he traps her between the counter, her back meeting his now bare chest.

"Let me work. Or else I'll bend you over this counter." He bites her ear tenderly.

Byulyi grunts before shoving out of his grasp and walks to the bedroom. He's literally trying to persuade her with seduction, and sis wasn't here for it.

She gets into bed and throws the covers over her, covering herself up to the neck so only her face is showing from the blankets.

"No means no. You're not getting a job yet." She firmly says.

A groan escapes Jin's chest as he heads toward the bed, a hint of frustration on his face. But, he isn't going toward his side; he's coming for her.

"Suddenly, I'm thirsty." Byulyi squeaks, rolling across the bed and aims for the other side. "I'm gonna go get some water."

However, she doesn't get very far.

"You're not listening to me." He grumbles, crossing his arms and stopping in front of her, preventing her from escaping.

"And you're a brat, always trying to get your way." She retorts, huffing in annoyance.

He pauses at her insult, feeling slightly offended.

All he's trying to do is help out. He's just trying to take stress off her shoulders. Does that make him a brat?

The more Jin thinks about it, the more his blood begins to boil.

"You should watch your mouth." He snaps, reaching for her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"wAtCh yOuR mOuTh." Byulyi mocks, ripping her face from his grasp, standing up and ready to march off.

Before she could flee, Jin grabs her wrist and yanks her back onto the bed. #yeet

She attempts to stand up once again but his hand wraps around her throat, forcing her to lay flat on her back beneath him on the bed as he hovers over her.

"You're pissing me off, Princess." He growls, adding a bit of pressure around her neck. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I-I'm sorry." Byulyi chokes out, shocked by his sudden change of demeanor.

"Yeah, Princess, you are. Open your mouth." He instructs and she follows immediately, opening her mouth and poking her tongue out.

"What a pretty sight." He praises, his free hand gently brushing at her hair. "Too bad I'm gonna ruin it, though."

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A/N: does anyone have any song suggestions?? I really need some more music to listen to :)

alsooo just a little pic of byulie to brighten up your dayyy c:

alsooo just a little pic of byulie to brighten up your dayyy c:

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