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sugar cake

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sugar cake.

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As if he hasn't noticed the sudden change in her behavior: the flirting, the touching, the teasing.

And then, she acts like he's a kid. Like he doesn't understand adult things.

Jin's more than ready to show her just how wrong she is.

He rolls his eyes and steps towards the shower, watching Byulyi's quivering shadow behind the curtain.

"Princess," he says. "Get out the shower. Now."

Her shadow jumps and flinches at his voice. "L-Leave me alone. Have some respect for my privacy."

"Respect?" He scoffs. "You're the one who walks around with just a shirt, showing off your legs while touching and teasing me to no end. Guess what? I'm a man, Byulie. I have desires and wants. You don't respect me."

He grabs hold of the curtain and pulls it roughly, being completely fed up with her mind games.

"No!" She screeches.

Jin only gets a glimpse of her body before she lunges at him, slamming her hands across his eyes.

Although, the action slams her body against his, and he can feel the curves of her soft body.

He lets out a soft hum, hands caressing her waist. He should have done this a long time ago.

Instead of feeding into her teasing all this time, he should've taken control the first time and remind her who's really in charge.

"Seriously, get out!" She hisses. "This isn't fucking funny!"

"You just love to run your mouth, don't you, Princess?" His hands sliding up and down her back, feeling the smoothness of her skin.

She keeps her hands on his eyes before quickly turning the faucet off and desperately reaching for the towel over the curtain head.

He wraps his fingers around her wrist and rips it away from his eyes. To his disappointment, she's already wrapped in the towel.

Sighing, he grasps her hips and yanks her out of the shower. She yelps as she presses her hands against his chest for support.

"Stop testing me, Princess."

Then, he kisses her deeply, and keeps his hands tight around her waist. Over and over again, he teases her lips with his own, mocking her with small kisses and rewarding her with a deep one.

He likes how she tastes.

When Byulyi's fingers tangle in his hair, he glides his tongue across hers and cups the back of her head, tilting her for a better angle.

Both of them are breathing thickly, and she has to pull away from him for air. He keeps going though, trailing kisses across her jaw and down her neck.

Byulyi pants out his name.

He likes that too.

"Good girl." He says lowly, sucking at the sensitive part of her neck and she whimpers.

"Say it again."

"J-Jinnie, please." She whines.

Her breathing becomes uneven when he makes a wet trail of kisses across her throat, pausing in multiple spots to suck harshly.

He remembers Namjoon explaining hickeys to him, and the idea being so appealing at the time. He remembers imagining Byulyi's lovely throat painted various shades of red and purple, and seeing the marks he made everyday.

Seeing them, and knowing that they meant that she was his. A male marking his female.

He wants the whole wattpad community to know who she belongs to.

Jin nips and sucks and tastes every inch of Byulyi's throat. He doesn't stop until he knows that she'll be covered in love bites.

This is too much for him.

"Princess," he groans. "If you want to stop, tell me now. I don't think I can control myself any longer."

He's been fighting his sexual urges for too long. He can't hold back anymore. This is his limit.

He stops and swallows hard as her hands hover at the hem of her towel.

Then, she lets the towel slip to the floor.

"I picked that 8 for a reason, so you better not disappoint me, pretty boy."

He chuckles lightly before swooping her over his shoulder, and stepping back into her bedroom.

Throwing her on the bed, he leans down towards her with dilated eyes of lust.

"Princess. Trust me, disappointment should be the last of your worries."

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