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kiss later

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kiss later.

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"Psst. Princess, wake up."

Sighing, she rolls to her side, trying to avoid the voice and its attempt to drag her out of her sleep.

"No, Princess. Come this way." The voice giggles.

Gentle hands on her shoulder roll her back over. She groans and lets her eyes drift open, catching her breath at the sight above her.

Jin smiles down at her radiantly.

"Good morning." His voice deep and raspy, due to sleeping on the couch.

Byulyi's actually shocked that Jin's awake before her. On a normal basis, trying to wake Jin up is like trying to wake up the dead.

"It's Saturday. I'm hungry, Princess." He tilts his head, pouting. "Can you make breakfast?"

"Ugh." She mumbles into the warmth of her blanket. "Five more minutes."

"If you say so."

He gently crawls above her onto the bed. Tugging the blanket away, his hands glide up her waist and under her oversized sweater.

He leans forward and drags his mouth across her shoulder, leaving small love bites across her collarbone, making her gasp.

Her hands are buried in his hair, fisted tightly in his brown strands.

Then, his lips abandon her skin and he pulls back to meet her eyes with a lustful gaze.

"You know, Princess, I'm tired of you rejecting me." He growls, fingers tracing the hem of her sweats. One of his fingers slip inside and hook the waist of her underwear, tugging lightly. "It's getting really annoying."

"I'm sorry, Jin." She mumbles, arching under his roaming hands.

"For what, Princess?"


That was Jin's voice, but his mouth didn't move. The words didn't come from his mouth, they echoed around like they were coming out of a loudspeaker.

"What?" She breathes.

"What are you sorry for? Can you make breakfast now?"

𝗕𝗢𝗬𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗗 | 𝗃𝗂𝗇𝖻𝗒𝗎𝗅 - 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙 Where stories live. Discover now