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Byulyi woke up to an empty side of her bed, and a silent house. She was thoroughly confused yet suspicious.

"Jin?" She calls out, trailing around her apartment.

There wasn't many places he could hide. There was a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and her bedroom. He isn't in any of those areas.

Then, she notices something taped on the front door. Her eyebrows furrowing with intense concentration.


Hi, Moon Byulyi, it is our regret to inform you that your boyfriend is no longer yours. He has returned himself into our labs and will be reprogrammed by the time you're reading this. The next time you purchase a boyfriend or girlfriend, make sure you can keep them longer. We hope you enjoyed him while it lasted though!

Byulyi collapses onto the floor, her hand tightening around the letter, crumbling it.

"That fucking headass..." She says through gritted teeth, tears slowly pouring down her face.

The tears grew heavier and she was completely lost for words. She couldn't believe he just up and left like that, he didn't even say goodbye.

Her life was full of boring, normal things until he came. Having a robot as a boyfriend was the best thing she has ever done, and she appreciated all of their moments together. She appreciated Jin for who he was.

He truly had her heart.

But she never told him that. She never told him a lot of things.

One, being that she loves him.

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A/N: im so sorry for ending the story so abruptly,  but i feel like i needed a fresh start and i could do so much better also i kinda had writers block and couldn't think much for this story sorry :/

A/N: im so sorry for ending the story so abruptly,  but i feel like i needed a fresh start and i could do so much better also i kinda had writers block and couldn't think much for this story sorry :/ BUUUUUUUT I HAVE A NEW STORYYYY!!!

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im soooo happy to introduce DADDY. I have been working on this for a while and I'm so excited for you guys to see it. Please check it out, the teaser must have dropped by now and it will say when the release of the first chapter will be!! Chapters will be longer and I'll be using different POV's! c:
bye byeee~ 💕

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