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boy in luv

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boy in luv.

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Byulyi cautiously grabbed the small card on his chest.

Thank you for taking our survey, Moon Byulyi. We hope you enjoy your boyfriend. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send us an email at To activate your boyfriend, please kiss him.

"Activate?" She questioned.

She looked around her living room for cameras, thinking this was some sort of prank.

She touched the doll's chest curiously and immediately snatched her hand away at the feeling.

His skin didn't feel plastic at all.

Byulyi was creeped out as she grabbed the nearest knife from her kitchen. Why is he warm? Why does he feel so human? And why is his dick that big?

She examined his features once again. He had tousled brown hair, thicc eyebrows, nice biceps, etc. The doll looked a little too realistic for her liking.

She gulped as she scooted closer to the box. Her grip grew tighter on the knife as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. She quickly jumped away, waiting for what's next.

Suddenly, his eyes started to flutter open and his hand twitched as he gripped the edge of the box.

What. The. Fuck.

She let out an animalistic scream and jumped away from the box, dropping her knife in the process. What a dumbass lmao.

"Princess?" He called out.

She screamed in terror again as he stepped out the box. When his eyes met hers, he smiled ear to ear.

"Princess!" His naked figure tried to hug her.

Her heart raced as she yeeted away from him. Running into her bedroom, she locked the door.

She slid down on the floor, her breathing going rapid. "This can't be real, this can't be real, this can't be real..." She repeated to herself, squeezing her eyes shut.

A jiggle from the door interrupted her mental breakdown.

"Princess?" His muffled voice called. "Why'd you run away from me?"

She screamed for the third time today, springing away from the door. "What kind of sick joke is this!"

Another jiggle comes from the doorknob. "Princess? Please open the door, I really want to touch you." He whined.

"Oh my god, he's gonna kill me." She whispered to herself. "I'm gonna die sober."

"Let me in, Byulyi, please." He begged.

Her head snapped towards the door as her eyes widened. Slowly standing up, she grabbed a flyswatter from her desk.

She held her flyswatter in defense as she hesitantly unlocked the door. Instantly, the door flies open and she's embraced in the naked man's hug.

"Princess!" He squeezed her tight, his cheek resting on the top of her head.

She whacked the flyswatter on his skin and he hissed in pain as he rubbed the stinging sensation on his arm.

Fleeing back to the living room/kitchen, she picked up the the knife on the floor from earlier, gripping it tightly.

He arrived shortly after with frown on his face. "That really hurt, Princess." He whimpered, still rubbing his arm. "Why did you hit me?"

She raised the knife, preventing him from coming any closer.

"How do you know my name?" She intimidated. "Why are you naked and what were you doing in that box?"

"What do you mean, Princess? You ordered me from Don't you love me?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

She stepped closer to him, the knife dangerously close to his chest. "I ordered a doll, not a human with a dick the size of Mount Everest!"

"Princess, CupidsMatch doesn't sell dolls. You designed me from scratch."

She narrowed her eyes skeptically. "What–" she managed to choke out. "What are you?"

"I'm your boyfriend!"

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A/N: don't y'all just love when a naked man shows up to your house in a package and claims he's your boyfriend? ugh same😍😍

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