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Tired and achy, Byulyi trudges through the door of her apartment.

Jin's been working at the coffee shop for a little over a week now. Every minute of the day, her mind scans through all the possibilities of what could go wrong.

Groaning at the scenarios, she stumbles into the apartment, her nose sniffing at the strange new scent.

It's actually a delicious smell.

Like garlic, tomatoes, and maybe some chicken? It smells yummy, it smells homemade.

She knows Jin can't cook for shit after the whole waffle incident. So if it's not him, then who is it?

And then this bitch starts JUMPING to conclusions.

Is he cheating?

And letting some hoe cook for him?

"What bitch is up my house?!" Her blood boils as she sprints into the kitchen.

However, as she scurries to stop at the kitchen doorway, her eyes widen in disbelief.

"Then, you flip it like this." Hyejin says as she gently turns over the chicken breast in her pan.

Beside her, Jin watches with serious attention and tries to copy her movement on his own chicken breast.

He edges his spatula under the edge of his chicken and tries to overturn it with a hard push. The strength of the move sends the chicken flipping over, almost making it over the edge of the pan. Gasping in panic, Jin barely captures it in time with his spatula.

His dark, thicc eyebrows furrow in frustration as he looks helplessly at Hyejin.

"Be more gentle." Hyejin snickers.

Byulyi's small cough draws his gaze to her.

"Princess!" Jin cheers happily at the sight of her. He turns fully, setting down his pan, and then strides across the kitchen to embrace her in his arms.

"Well, Byul," Hyejin crosses her arms with a smirk. "I knew you went and got yourself a manz but you didn't tell me that he moved in with you."

She peeks her head from the side of him. "Uhm... surprise?"

"I walk in to cook my good old unnie a great, healthy meal, only to be shooketh when a tall hunk of a man lets himself in and says that he lives here. Hoe, you could've warned me!" The friend of the year scolds.

Giggling, Jin buries his face in the crook of her neck. "Princess, I think you and your friend are a lot alike."

She slaps his arm.

A spilt second later, his head snaps toward the stove.

"Oh no!" He yells, breaking out of the embrace and lunging toward the stove. "My chicken!"

He flips the piece of meat again, revealing the dark brown bottom that's been cooked a little too long.

He looks at Byulyi with sad puppy eyes and whines, pouting his lower lip. "It's burnt."

"It's not burnt." She assures, poking his side playfully. "It's well done, you're fine."

"I wanted to cook dinner for you. Last time, when I made the waffles..."

"You two caused enough trouble in here. I'll finish up, just get out. I don't play around when it comes to my cooking." Hyejin's hands push them out of the kitchen.

Byulyi doesn't miss the sly wink her friend throws at her.

As they shuffle into the living room, Jin grabs both of Byulyi's hands in front of him. "Princess, some day I'm gonna cook meals for you!" His eyes sparkle with excitement. "Hyejin's teaching me so I won't need her help, isn't that cool?"

"Sure, Jinnie. But you don't have to cook for me." She smiles at his cute and child-like attitude. "Seriously, it's fin–wait where are we going?"

He's guiding her back, far away from the kitchen where Hyejin is humming quietly.

When they're far enough away, he leans down towards her.

"I missed you today, Princess." He says lowly, giving tiny love-bite kisses across her jaw. "I didn't greet you properly."

And before she can throw any type of verbal response, his tongue swipes her neck.

Laughing, she cups his face and brings his mouth to hers. His lips sweetly caress hers, radiating all the love and affection with his passionate kissing.

"Dinner is ready! Come and eat!" Hyejin calls out, interrupting their moment.

Pulling away and shaking himself out of his daze, he smiles. "As long as I'm with you, I'll always be happy, Princess. Nothing will change that."

"I'm happy with you too." She grins as he takes her hand, leading her back into the kitchen.

As they walk into the kitchen, he immediately helps Hyejin prepare plates as a certain notification from Byulyi's phone throws her completely off.

To Moon Byulyi:

It has come to our attention that you still haven't fulfilled the payment for Bot-65320 (Kim Seokjin). If the payment isn't received by the end of the month, Bot-65320 will be returned back into our hands and will be reprogrammed for the next buyers. We hope you understand.

Take care.


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A/N: hope everyone is doing well :)

A/N: hope everyone is doing well :)

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