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Byulyi stares at the ceiling, waiting for her heavy pants to calm down as her body cools.

She can't move.

All the energy and life has vanished from her limbs. She can't even move a finger.

"So, Princess..." Jin chirps from the side of her, chest pumping up and down with his heavy breathing. "Can I get a job now?"


"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Byulyi worries, brushing the collar of his white dress shirt.

They're out in the hallway, hovering in the empty space between their apartment and Namjoon's door down the hall.

Jin knows that she doesn't want him to do this. He knows that she doesn't think he's ready. He knows that if he hadn't seduced her the other night she wouldn't have let him get a job at the local cafe.

But this is what he needs.

If he's going to stay here by her side, and be his own person, and love Byulyi for the rest of his life, he needs to do this. Helping to support her, making sure that she isn't struggling alone.

"I'm fine, Princess. I promise." He gives her a reassuring smile.

Taking her hand in his, he interlaces their fingers and squeezes lightly.

"Okay. Okay. You can do this, no doubt." She exhales, smiling back. "Joon's going to take you guys to work because I have class, okay?"

Willingly, he enfolds his body around hers and embraces her into a hug. Making sure that she can feel all the warmth and love radiating from him as he surrounds her completely.

"Thank you, Princess." He mumbles into her hair.

"You're welcome. Now go make momma them donuts." She encourages, pulling away from his embrace.

"Make the...?"

She shakes her head, laughing lightly. "Never mind. Good luck."

She pushes him towards Namjoon's door, and he goes eagerly. Glimpsing a flash of her book bag as she walks down the hallway, Jin shuts the door behind him.

"Joonie!" He calls out. "I'm ready to go!"

At the sound of his voice, footsteps approach from within the apartment. Seconds later, Sana and Jennie peak from the corner, grinning at Jin's arrival.

Both of them are dressed in a similar fashion as him, according to the cafe's worker dress code. Since the two of them couldn't get the job at GameStop, Namjoon applied them at a cafe along with Jin.

It was a shop that Namjoon knew the female owner very well. That's how he was able to secure the jobs for the three of them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Jin opens his arms as the two of them scamper up to him, wrapping themselves up into a three-way hug sandwich.

"Jinnie," Sana beams. "Are you excited? Are you scared? I can't decide which one I am!"

"Me neither." Jennie rumbles, pulling away from the group hug and sitting on the couch. "Joonie won't be out for a while, he's still getting dressed."

Jin and Sana follow behind her, plopping themselves down on the couch beside Jennie.

"Are you happy?" Sana asks. "I'm so happy. We're getting jobs, and we're staying. I don't think I could ever be unhappy here."

"Well, it's not clear if I'm staying. That's why I have to work." Jin informs.

Jennie taps a soft pattern on her thigh, thinking hard. "Do you guys think it's possible for us to become unhappy?"

The question takes Sana aback. "What? Well... it could be possible. Only if there's a malfunction in your system. Aren't you unhappy, Nini?"

"I am happy." She says slowly. "But–I don't know. I've been feeling...strange lately."

"I'm happy." Jin confirms with a soft smile. "I could be unhappy, but I'm not."

"But Jin, what would happen if we weren't happy? If there's a malfunction in our system?" Jennie fiddles with her fingers.

Sitting back, they all quietly contemplate the question.

"I mean, I guess..." Jennie starts, trailing off in the middle as if she's hesitant to say it. "If we were unhappy, shouldn't we call CupidsMatch?"

"True. We could call them and they'll take us away and fix us." Sana says softly.

"Sure." Jin shrugs. "That won't happen. But if we ever get unhappy enough–"

"We call CupidsMatch." Jennie holds out her hands to the both of them. "If we're ever unhappy, we'll call our creators. Even if that means being separated from Joonie and Byulie. Agreed?"

Sana nods and shakes Jennie's hand, but Jin hesitates. He stares down at Jennie's hand and wonders.

Could he bear to do this?

Even if Byulyi stopped wanting him?

If he's ever broken-hearted, or system malfunctioned, going back into the lab seems better than making Byulyi's or his life miserable and lonely.

He shakes Jennie's hand.

At that moment, Namjoon enters the room, rolling up the sleeve of his shirt. He sees the three shaking hands and raises an eyebrow. "Making a pact?" He chuckles.

The three of them share glances between them.

"Something like that." Jin mutters.

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