twenty-nine :)

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"No, Princess. It's not happening."

"What other options do we have? It's happening, kiddo, whether you like it or not."

"I refuse to dance for a bunch of girls!"

Byulyi huffs in annoyance. Convincing him to become a stripper just isn't working out.

He crosses his arms and pouts. "Besides, everyone will be staring at me... and I don't like big crowds. You know that."

"All you have to do is grind shirtless, it's not that hard!" She grabs the remote from the couch. "Now, take notes from Jimin."

When she presses play, his eyes shift to the screen of Park Jimin's difficult-yet-sexy choreography, then grinding on some random girl. Jin scowls, knowing that's out of his comfort zone.

He sighs before slouching on the couch. "This is pointless." He says exasperatedly. "We're never fulfilling that payment."

She smacks his arm. "Hey, don't say stuff like that."

"But it's true, Princess." He whines, pulling her down onto his lap. "I'm too much to afford, aren't I? I'm basically eating up your pockets. Maybe... maybe you should return me."

"Seriously, Jin... stop. That wasn't funny." She furrows her eyebrows.

"But think about it, if you were to pay the website, how will you pay for your other bills that are coming up? It'll be an even harder struggle for us, Princess."

She scoffs, weirded out by his new perspective. "And? We can struggle together. It'll work out, trust me."

"Okay." He says softly, rubbing the sides of her thighs. "You're right, Princess. I'm just a little scared, that's all."

"I can't risk losing you, and we don't take risk because they're stupid. And we're not...?"

"...Stupid." He mumbles.

She smiles, satisfied with his answer. "Good. Now, I'm gonna make dinner, okay?"

"Can't I just eat you?"

She blinks. "What?"

"Nothing." He smiles sheepishly.

Ugh, stupid number 8, he thinks to himself. His raging hormones will naturally pop out during random times and places, and he honestly can't stand it.

Narrowing her eyes skeptically, she rises from his lap and disappears into the kitchen. She knows she wasn't imagining it like before, but she lets it slide.

After their meal, they somehow find their way into the bedroom. Byulyi slept peacefully while Jin couldn't sleep at all, he was conflicted.

Time passed and it was nearly 2AM.

He was trapped into in his own thoughts. The past, the present, and the future. He felt weird, he felt...


Everything in life was happening too fast, and he could literally feel the stress coming from Byulyi.

She was a college kid going through the struggle and he just added on to her list of problems.

She wasn't financially prepared for the payment and she knew that. He knew that. Everyone knew that.

He doesn't want to be another problem on her list.

He doesn't want to feel guilty.

So, he's doing this.

Because he loves her.

Grabbing her phone and sneaking into the living, he hesitantly presses digits on the screen.

"H-Hello? Is this CupidsMatch?"

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A/N: hi everyone, I'm back! i missed you all soooo much!! thank you for giving me the time i needed, i feel a bit better now and am working on it everyday :) ALSO the story will be ending soon, sorry :((

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