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you(= i)

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you(= i).

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"Ah," he whimpers pitifully on the couch. "Ahhhhh. Princess, it hurts."

"I know. If you get up, I'll give you some medicine."

He whines again and cuddles further into the couch. She chuckles as she digs through the cabinet, her mind lingering to last night. All she can think about is his lips and tongue.


She's got a plan.

A revenge plan. But at the end, it'll be a win-win for both of them.

She's going to tease Jin to his sexually frustrated breaking point.

Pay back for his attempt seduction as well as getting the two of them together. It's perfectly evil, and she can't wait to start. Right now.

"Here, Jinnie." She says lightly, carrying a couple of pills in her hand as well as a cup of water. "Sit up and take these. They'll make your head feel better."

He grumbles and follows her instructions, sitting up against the couch. When he holds his hand out, he's confused as she pushes it away.

He's confused even more when she straddles his lap.

"Say 'ah'." She smiles wickedly, allowing her weight to sink onto him. She tries not to shift around too much. It's too early for that kind of reaction.

Jin gulps, eyes locked onto hers. "P-Princess?"

"Hm?" Byulyi hums nonchalantly, jiggling the pills in her hand as a sign to hurry up.

His eyes linger down to her form, stopping to focus hard on the spot where their bodies meet.

His breathing hitches. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Wow, he doesn't remember last night. Whatever. Makes it more fun for me.

"Nothing. Why? I'm just trying to give you your medicine."

She teasingly pops a finger against his bottom lip, urging him to open up. Like he's in a daze, his mouth falls open as she slides the pill inside. He swallows them mindlessly, eyes still on her.

"It doesn't feel any better." He mumbles. His hands rise slowly, hovering either side of her thighs like he wants to touch her but is restraining himself.


"It isn't working?" She pretends to be concerned. She leans forward slightly, hovering her face in front of him as she observes him carefully. "Maybe something went wrong. It's okay, though. There's another way to cure a hangover."

"Yeah?" He whispers, gazing over her lips, brown eyes darkening.

"Yeah." She breathes.

Parting her lips, she lets her head tilt slightly, her breath brushing against his mouth. He curses under his breath (something she did NOT teach him lmao) as he strains toward her to connect their mouths.

But she moves, and kisses the tip of his nose.

"There!" She chirps happily, squishing his cheeks. "So adorable, like a wittle baby."

"A...a little baby?"

She then hops off his lap, skipping away as she leaves him a panting mess on the couch.

"Princess," he calls out weakly, but she ignores him.

The second she's in her bedroom, an evil laugh escapes her lips. #satan

This'll be more fun than she thought.

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A/N: nayeon is soo cute...

A/N: nayeon is soo cute

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