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aze gag

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aze gag.

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Byulyi's voice carries through the apartment from her room, reaching Jin in the living room on the couch.

He's watching carefully the nature documentary playing. Two deers are in the midst of mating season, male mounted behind female.


His eyes doesn't leave the TV. "Isn't that cool, Princess?" He says excitingly, pointing to the screen. "Maybe one day we could–"

A single glance to the screen and she's fuming. Now, she really regretted putting a 8 on his sexual rate. The kid is a walking horny sex machine.

"What the hell?!" She huffs in annoyance, reaching for the remote and turning the TV off. "I have to go to class today. And since I don't trust you, you'll be staying with Namjoon while I'm gone."

Ugh. Him.

Jin really dislikes Namjoon, remembering the closeness of his and Byulyi's relationship. He's so mean, and demanding, and just...ugh.

But he's also a boy, so perhaps he could answer some of Jin's questions.

"Okay." He hops up, moving quickly in his eagerness to understand.

Why won't his Princess have sex with him? Why does she refuse her body's own natural tendencies? And what the heck does 'headass' mean?

She pulls on her backpack and grabs her keys. The backpack tugs on her jacket, slipping it tight against her and revealing the shape of her figure to certain boy's curious brown eyes.

Something about the shape of her was hypnotizing to him.

He follows Byulyi out into the hallway, waiting as she locks the door up, and leads the way to Namjoon's apartment.

She knocks on the door, only waiting a second before feet run on the hardwood and the door is thrown open.

"Jinnie!" Jennie coos. The black-haired girl strangles him into a tight hug, squishing their cheeks together.

"You got him, right?" Byulyi questions from behind. "Okay, great. Bye!"

Jennie waves cheerfully. "Bye-bye, Byulie!"

Jin watches as Byulyi walks down the hallway, oddly fascinated by the way her hips swing and her butt is being hugged by her skinny jeans.

He unintentionally bites his lower lip.

"Jinnie, come on!" Jennie says, dragging him into the apartment.

Inside, Sana is sprawled out on the couch, her body taking up all available space in the cushions. When she notices Jin, she grins.

"Hi Jin!" Sana chirps.

"Hey." He sighs in defeat.

She furrows her eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

He avoids the question, throwing himself in the armchair and staring at the ceiling. Sana and Jennie converse quickly, sending Jin concerned glances, but he doesn't bother to return the looks.

"Oh." Namjoon appears. "Hey Jin." He drinks his orange juice.

Jin nods his head respectfully. "Namjoon, what does 'headass' mean?"

"Why?" He chuckles. "Where did you hear that from?"

"From Byulie. She called me that last night when I tried to seduce her." He shrugged.

Namjoon spits out his juice. The orange droplets, splattering all over Sana's white top.

"No!" She whined. "Not my new Prada top!"

Jin isn't prepared as Namjoon lunges on top of him.

"wHy ArE yOu tRyInG tO sEdUcE bYuL?!?!?!"

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