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Operation Seduce Moon Star: By Kim Namjoon

Mission Two:

It's a good thing that you're living together. You can have her alone basically any time, so here's what to do: act innocent, but cuddle, hug, kiss, and hold hands as much as you can get away with it. It doesn't hurt to show some skin either. You got a nice body, so use it.


Byulyi's night consisted of her working nonstop on an upcoming assignment while Jin trails around the house in boredom.

He started out sitting beside her, playing a game on her phone, then pacing around the house, then kicking around a stress ball, then laying on the kitchen floor and counting the number of ceiling tiles at the top of his lungs.

The loud numbers ring irritatingly in her ears as she types on her computer. She winces at the sharp 28, glaring at his direction.

"Listen, Jin," she says through gritted teeth. "Some of us have to work because we aren't robots who were sent to an innocent girl's house. So please, just lower your voice."

There's silence, then a sharp huff, and soon gentle footsteps leads from the kitchen and into the living room.

Jin stands in front of her, staring down. His eyes almost seem... frustrated.

"Princess," he begins. "Let's watch a movie."

She waves him off dismissively. "I'm working."

"I don't care." Groaning, he flops down onto the couch beside her and rests his chin on her shoulder.

When the action doesn't get him more attention from her, he slides the laptop off her legs and lays his head in her lap.

"Hey!" She protests. "Do you know how expensive that is?"

"This isn't what Namjoon meant by staying in." He whines. "I thought we were gonna do something! All you're focusing on is homework."

Come on, Byul, it won't hurt to take a break... headass.

She sighs tiredly. "How about this? You go take a shower and let me finish up this last paragraph. Deal?"

"Deal!" A satisfied grin plants on his face. He sits up, returns her computer to her lap, and eagerly runs toward her room where the bathroom resides while peeling off his shirt.

Byulyi looks away and coughs.

Fifteen minutes pass by a flash and she's content with the progress on her assignment. Maybe the movie can wait–

"Princess, are you ready?"

In a cloud of steam and warmth, Jin emerges from her bedroom. His hair is damp and ruffled, bare chest expands with every breath. Her eyes follow a droplet of water as it slides down his torso.

The drip races along the outside of his six pack, across the bottom of his belly button and touching the dip of his hip bone before soaking into the waistline of his low-hanging sweatpants.

"Am I... what?"

"Ready." He gives a sweet smile. "For the movie?"

"Yeah, sure." She squeaks.

Giving her a precious grin, he rockets into his previous position beside her on the couch with his head in her lap. His big brown eyes sparkle up at her as he snuggles in her lap.

Byulyi feels like she's gone soft. Perhaps, these robots aren't so bad?

He then flips over in her lap, his bare back facing her. And when he speaks, his voice is soft, rough, and sensual. Almost as if the seductive tone is intentional.

"My shoulder is sore." He pouts. "Can you massage it while we watch?"

She gulps. "Uhm, yeah."

Her shaky hand presses into his shoulder, rubbing tight circles into his skin.

He hums appreciatively, his lips tilting up into a wicked smile. "It feels good when you touch me, Princess. Will you touch me more?"

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A/N: turns out the FBI has been spying on me through my phone camera...well now they know i cried for an hour after watching a compilation of namjoon's dimples... 😔✌️

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