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Operation Seduce Moon Star: By Kim Namjoon

Mission Three:

uHHH nAMjOon I dOnT tHiNk ThIs Is WoRkInG


Byulyi's first reaction was to push him off the couch.

"Ow!" Jin coughs out, clutching his 'sore' shoulder. "Why did–"

"I'm giving you five seconds to run." She states bluntly.

"But, Princess–"

"Four." She counts. "Three."

He took off.

He leaps over the couch in one swift move and runs deep into the apartment. He may be fast, but he's not fast enough to overcome the adrenaline of anger rushing through her right now.

She grabs her favorite weapon from the counter, the flyswatter. She races after him in the kitchen and lunges at him, swatting his back with no remorse.

"Princess-ouch!" He hisses when the plastic meets his skin.

Byulyi doesn't even care.

No mercy bitchhhhhh 😈.

"You. Can't. Say. Things. Like. That. To. A. Woman!" With every harsh word is stinging slap to his back with the flyswatter.

Byulyi knew that he was programmed with that certain mindset, so she didn't blame him at all. It's all her fault that he's like the way he is. But if he wants to stay in her care then he would have to learn right from wrong.

And the best way to teach him is with a good ass-whooping.

"I'm sorry!" He pleads. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, I won't ever say it again! Princess!"

She chases him into the living room as he crawls under the coffee table for safety. Raising her flyswatter for another hit, the apartment door cracks open.

"Hey, I was just wondering if..." Namjoon's sentence is cut off as his eyes grow huge at the scene in front of him. "Am I interrupting something? I'm gonna go."

She immediately jumps up. "No! Take this little headass with you!"

"Princess," Jin whines as she forces him up, pushing him towards Namjoon.

"He's sleeping with you tonight." She says firmly, slamming the door shut in their faces.

Jin stares pitifully at the closed door, wondering where it all went wrong.

"Why is she so upset?" Namjoon nudges him.

"I guess I did something bad." He croaks out, salty water welling up in his eyes.

Jin never experienced this. The gut wrenching weight on his chest that forces salty droplets from his eyes was completely new to him.

"Are you crying?" He asks in disbelief. "The fuck? Come here." Grabbing his arms, Namjoon ushers him down the hall and into his apartment.

The further away Jin gets from Byulyi's door, the heavier the weight on his chest grows.

Inside, Sana and Jennie are lazing around the living room like normal. When Sana sees the liquid outside of Jin's eyes, she perks up from the couch.

"Cool! Are those tears?" Sana says in fascination, rushing in front of him. "Can I touch it?"

"Not now, Sana." Namjoon scolds, pushing Sana out the way and sitting Jin on the couch. "Okay, tell me everything that happened."

As Jin shares his story, and how flyswatters will forever terrify him, Namjoon's head nods understandingly.

"I don't understand why you're crying." Namjoon shrugs. "This is good! She's flustered. She's responding."

He shakes his head. "She's mad at me."

If trying to seduce Byulyi gets him kicked out so he can't see her, talk to her, or just be with her, then he didn't want any part it.

He'd rather be with her all the time then engage in any sexual activity with her. She's more important than that. Even if his body can't control it.

To Jin, she's everything.

"Namjoon, I don't think I wanna do this anymore." His tears start to dry.

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A/N: soft jin or daddy jin, choose your fighter 😳

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