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Two and a half months. Peter has been less than surviving for two and a half months. He's died at least four times, though we all know he can't really die. Thanks Wade.

I pushed myself out of the bed, only to get dizzy and fall to the floor. I looked around the dark room and sighed. I managed to push myself up and I grabbed onto the top bunk of my bed. I share a room with an older girl. I was put in the girl's rooms, my birth certificate remained unchanged and I'm not Peter Parker to the orphanage. I refuse to even think of my dead name. I haven't had my shot in months and I stopped talking because of the girl sound of my voice. I miss my family and Wade. I haven't been Spiderman since the second week in the orphanage. That felt like years ago now.

My stomach growled and I ignored it, not wanting to face the orphanage workers or other kids. The last time I went down for food, I was shoved to the floor and kicked in the head. The broken nose was brutal and having to set it myself was even more brutal. I felt tears fall from my dry eyes and I sniffed, wiping them away with shaky hands. I just want to go home.

I don't remember how it happened, but I woke up on the floor, Sandra, my roommate, standing over me with a wicked smile. "Hey Trannie, there is someone here to see you." I blinked tiredly. She smirked at my dazed look and knelt down beside my head. "Better get up before Tony Stark adopts someone worthwhile." That got my heart jumping for joy. With difficulty, I pushed myself up. I breathed deeply, my lungs on fire. I slowly but surely stood up and stumbled my way to the door. I got out to the hallway and slowly made my way down the stairs. Sandra went to knock my shoulder and I moved slightly out of the way. I stumbled down the rest of the steps and found one of the men I've been wanting to see for such a long time. "Dad?" Tony turned and his smiled faded. "Pete...wh-what happened?" I looked at the floor and he sighed. I felt everyone's eyes on us and even heard some laugh quietly.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" I whispered, trying to hold onto the last bit of my deep voice. "Yeah." Tony grabbed my hand and led me outside. I winced at the sunlight in my eyes and immediately felt a headache brewing. We stopped under some shade and Tony wrapped me in a light hug. "Pete tell me what happened." I felt tears build up and some fell. "I hate it here and I want to go home. I have to be with the girls and I was denied my shot and they won't call me Peter. Everyone pushes me around and I..." I broke down and buried my face in Tony's shoulder. Tony rubbed my back and carded his hand through my hair. "And you will get to go home. Steve and I were able to show evidence of May allowing us your guardianship if something happened. We'll up your dosage and level your hormone levels out. When was the last time you ate?" I pulled back and Tony smiled softly, wiping some of my tears away. "Uh...two weeks ago?" His smile dropped and I closed my eyes. "We'll get you back to where you're supposed to be. Nat will want to give you a hair cut." I chuckled lightly and leaned into Tony again, already tired. "Where's Pops?" "He's prepping the house for your return. We've had some new people come into our lives and we're trying to sort everything out with them. As for us, I signed the papers and I want to help you pack."

Packing, much to Tony's dismay, only took a few minutes. Peter has two outfits, his backpack and his suit. Tony went to go say something to Peter, only to see him passed out on his bed. "Friday call Steve please." The AI did as told and Steve picked up instantly. "Hey Tone!" Tony grinned at his husband's voice. "Hey Steve, uh...Pete's asleep and I need your help. But before you get here, there's some stuff I need to talk to you about. First, Pete is malnourished and hasn't been on his hormones this whole time. He's in pain and from what I've seen, he's died a few times. Karen has been keeping track of his vitals and there are times his heart had stopped beating only to pick up a few hours later. I don't think we should tell anyone yet, but you're his dad too." Steve sighed heavily into the speaker. "Alright, I'm putting Nat in charge and I'll come help you. You signed for him right?" "Yep."

Steve got to the orphanage Friday directed him to and he got out of his truck. He hoped Tony was exaggerating, it would kill Steve if Peter really was that bad. They were all worried when Spiderman stopped showing up and when Peter didn't answer his phone, well they started to think the worst. Steve walked into the orphanage and was greeted by a bunch of troubled looking teens. "Steve Rogers?" A woman asked and Steve turned around to face her. "Hello Ma'am. I'm here to help my husband pick up our son. Peter Parker?" The women's face turned sour and the kids snickered. "He's upstairs." She growled and Steve quickly darted upstairs, worried for his son.

I woke up to talking and I opened my eyes, nearly yelling out when I saw Steve just a foot above me. "Relax Pete, we're almost home." I sighed and relaxed into his arms. "Are you okay?" I nodded and breathed deeply. "I'm sorry." Both men looked at me, bewildered. "What for?" "I feel like I let everyone down. I was supposed to be strong and I..." I trailed off and Tony sighed. "It's okay kid. You've been through a lot and it was wrong for CPS to not check for more than just the surface. But what happened is nothing we can't fix."

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