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I got to the compound a little after 4. I told Dad I would walk because I liked the fresh air. I stepped into the building and asked Friday to take me upstairs. The elevator moved upward and I leaned against the railing, tapping my fingers against my stomach. The elevator stopped and the door opened on chaos. Sam is on the couch eating while Dad and Steve are yelling at each other. I watched Steve take off his wedding ring and throw it somewhere in the room. I noticed Bucky off to the side, watching with an amused expression. I sighed and rubbed my temples. I stepped to the middle of the lounge, no one paying mind to me. I dropped my bag and put my fingers in my ears. Then I screamed. I pulled my fingers out of my ears and gave everyone an unamused look. "Great, now that everyone is listening, just fucking get a divorce already and Sam you're a bitch." I grabbed my bag off the floor and went into the kitchen in search of food. "How am I a bitch?" Sam growled, stalking into the kitchen. I shrugged and pulled a box of strawberries out of the fridge. Sam snatched them from me and I frowned, reaching for them. He held them higher than I could reach and I sighed.

I cracked my neck and back. I popped my knuckles and looked at Dad. "Friday record this." He ordered and the AI made a noise, "Recording sir." In seconds, I had managed to get on Sam's back and hold him in a leg lock. "What the fuck!" Steve yelled and I grabbed the box of strawberries from Sam. He tapped my legs and I only tightened them. I heard the elevator ding and Wade stepped in, dropping his weapon bag to the floor. "PETER BENJAMIN STARK!" Uh oh. I let go of Sam and flipped back onto my feet, grinning innocently. Wade pulled off his mask and I gulped. "Hey baby." "Uh oh, Peter you're in trouble." I turned and glared at Dad. "What part of playing nice do you not understand?" I pointed at Sam and then pouted. "He stole my strawberries." Wade rubbed his nose and sighed. "That doesn't mean you can choke him out." I looked down at the floor and dug my shoe into the tile. "Say sorry." I looked up and my mouth dropped open. "No." Wade crossed his arms and I huffed. "Sorry for nearly crushing your windpipe Sam." The man glared at me and Dad snickered from behind me.

Wade came into the kitchen and pulled me into a tight hug. "I missed you." I muttered and Wade kissed my head. "I know baby, I missed you too. How was school?" I shrugged and put my head on his shoulder. "Dumb. Flash tried to hit me." "What?" I pulled away and hopped up on the counter. Wade, still in his suit, wiggled between my legs and put his hands on my waist. "I stopped him before he could get close." I leaned forward and Wade closed the distance, pressing our lips together. I tilted my head, deepening the kiss. I heard someone enter the kitchen and based on the intake of breath, it sounded like Scott. Wade pulled away and kissed my nose before turning. I latched onto his back and he grabbed my legs, making sure I won't fall. He glared Scott and carried me out of the kitchen. "How was the job?" Wade sighed and bent down the grab his Hello Kitty weapons bag. "Awful, the guy was sex trafficking." He shuddered and I kissed his neck. "Need help getting out of the suit?" "You just want to see me naked." I laughed loudly, "Maybe." He snickered and opened our bedroom door. He shut the door with his foot and I slid to the floor. I followed him into the bathroom and sat on the counter.

He stripped from his suit, leaving him in his boxers. "I found a possible cure." Wade looked up from his healing wounds and stared at me, perplexed. "For?" I put my hand on his chest and he frowned down at the scars. "Your skin. I personally believes it makes you more handsome, but I know how much you hate it." Wade put his hand over mine, intertwining our fingers. "Can we try it?" He whispered and I smiled, nodding. "And if it doesn't work, I'll keep looking for something that does." I promise and Wade stepped toward me, keeping our fingers entwined. He kissed me, hard. I kissed back, closing my eyes to enjoy the moment. It lasted for a few moments before I pulled away, resting my forehead against his. "Let's go try." I jumped off the counter and led him into the bedroom. He grabbed a pair of sweats from his drawer in the dresser and he grabbed my hand again. We walked quietly down to the lab and I could feel the hope building in his chest after each passing second. I know how much he wanted to look human again, to be able to grow hair again. I hoped for his sake that this works.

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