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Dad and Pops led me out of the compound and onto the Quinjet. The last time I was on here was before I was kidnapped by Ultron. I sat on a box and looked around cautiously, taking in every part of the ship. Pops sat down in front of me and he reached out to grab me. I flinched and frowned. He sighed and held out his hands. I slowly reached out and put my hands on top of his. "Bucky told us they took you here. He also said it was a possibility they moved you." Bucky? I tilted my head, my eyes wide. So he survived? "He's at the compound. Along with everyone else...Natasha is in Berlin." Berlin? That man said he would be in Berlin. I stood up, and looked around for a way to contact someone. "Pete what are you looking for?" Dad inquired and I blinked. He has a cell phone. I cleared my throat and tried to talk. "A...A.." I coughed into my hand and sighed when I saw blood. It still hasn't healed. I had an impaled lung and I fear that the lung healed around the thing that impaled it. I wiped the blood on my pants and pointed at the phone in Tony's hands. He handed me the phone and I opened notes.

Attack in Berlin.

Both men read it and Pops pulled out his phone. "How do you know?" Dad asked and I looked down. "That's why you were alone." I nodded slowly. "Pete what happened?" I shook my head and the older groaned lightly. I looked up, hoping to find a place to rest. We were taught to never sleep in beds. Beds meant security. In my case, any time I was in a bed, I was raped, repeatedly. I reached up and put my hand on the ceiling. It shook and I knew it'd be too unstable. I sat down again and played with the hems of my pants.

"Pete try and get some sleep." Dad insisted. I shook my head. I won't sleep unless I can sleep in my normal position. "Pete you're gonna wanna rest, it'll be some time before we can get home." I shook my head again and he sighed. "Fine, we'll be home in a few hours. Nat is fine, there was an attack at the center she was at." I furrowed my eyebrows. I should've went with him. Maybe I could've stopped it. "Don't worry kid, you'll be home tomorrow."

The plane landed and I stood up, rubbing my hands on my pants. I walked up to my two sleeping dad's and shook them awake. They both groaned and stood up, gathering their stuff. "Pete, everyone is going to want to hug or talk to you. If you get uncomfortable, you can say something." I nodded and Pops swung his arm around my shoulder. I tensed and let him lead me toward the compound. Instinctively, I looked around, surveying the area. I saw more than one person eyeing me from the windows and I watched each with wary eyes. We reached the door and Friday let us in.

We got to the elevator and I stopped. "What's wrong?" Pops looked down at me and I slowly entered, looking around the box for any gas outlets or spray nozzles. While I was kidnapped, one of the many torture methods was gassing me. I was gassed until I either died or eventually passed out. The rooms were as small as elevators. I waited with tense muscles and as soon as the doors opened, I zoomed out, skidding to a stop in the doorway of the lounge. I checked my body and breathed in relief when I felt safe. Everyone eyed me weird. I surveyed each person, my eyes searching them for a few seconds before moving onto the next. I slowly studied the room, making sure to take a mental note of all the escape routes. "Peter?" I snapped my gaze away from the windows and looked at the person who spoke.

I rounded the corner and found the one thing I hoped to see several months ago. He turned when I spoke his name and I saw the hesitation. It broke my heart.

Wade. I smiled softly and took slow steps towards him. When I reached him, he softly grabbed my face and his lips split into a smile. "I missed you." I leaned up, pressing my lips to his cheek softly. "Wade, he hasn't talked yet. Don't push him." Dad muttered and Wade nodded. "I'm just happy you're home." He looked at my neck and his eyes widened. I pulled away and slapped a hand over the marks. "They...?" My face remained passive and I didn't move my hand. Wade took a deep breath and reached out to grab my waist. I let him, though I felt slightly tense. "You look like you haven't slept lately." He whispered. I nodded and he pulled away, holding out a hand for me to take.

Wade led me to my room and he opened the door. The room is covered in his and my stuff. "They let me move in when you went missing. It was their way of keeping me close in case we found you." Wade sat on his bed and I slowly sat down next to him. I took a few minutes assessing my surroundings before relaxing. "When was the last time you showered?" I blinked and shrugged. Our showers were cold and they always put things in them to hurt us. They learned that calcium bicarbonate burns, so they started to mix it into my water. Showering has become a fear of mine. "What if I sat outside the door? Talked to you while you took a quick shower?" I looked at Wade before nodding slowly. Maybe he could help. We stood up and Wade picked up some clothes and a towel. He handed them to me and I hesitantly stepped into the bathroom. Wade closed the door and I heard him sit down on the floor by the door. "Can you hear me Pete?" I went to nod before realizing he can't see me. I knocked on the counter to let him know I can hear him. "Okay good." I stumbled toward the shower and I reached to turn it on. Once the water was hot, I stripped down and stepped in. I relaxed when the warm water hit my back. "Alright Pete, I'm gonna ask you questions and I want you to knock once for yes and 2 times for no." I knocked in response. I grabbed the shampoo and squirted some of it into my hand. "Did they sexually assault you?" I knocked and began working the shampoo into my hair. "How many times a day? 1?" I knocked twice for no. It used to be 2 times a day but when I did something wrong, it was up towards 4 or 5 times a day. "More than once?" I knocked yes again and washed my hair out.

"How many times did you die?" I didn't answer. I don't know the answer. Wade must've taken my silence as bad because he sucked a breath in. I washed the rest of my hair and moved onto my body. I examined the multiple wounds made with chemicals and weapons my body can't super heal. 2 weeks ago, I was stabbed with a knife coated in hardened calcium bicarbonate. That left a nasty chemical burn and a stab wound that I had no way of cleaning or stitching. Which reminds me, I should stitch that up before I go to sleep. Normally I would pack it with a rag and go to sleep, but if I could get medical help before I sleep, I will. "Pete you almost done?" I knocked and washed around all the wounds. I turned off the water and reached for the boxers Wade gave me.

Loved (Book Two In the Spiderman Series)Where stories live. Discover now