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"What?" I pulled my head back, shock coursing through me. "Be my boyfriend. If you need time, I understand. I just don't want someone to come and take you away from me again." I smiled and grabbed his face in my hands. "Of course." His smile matched and he pressed his lips to mine. "When you're feeling better, I'm taking you out." He muttered against my lips. I sighed in content and pulled back, blushing slightly. "Sounds good." Wade grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap. Dad, Nat and Pops walked in and sat down. Nat smirked at me and I grinned innocently.

It reached dinner time and Wade had to go out on patrol. I walked him out and he kissed my forehead before running off. I walked back into the compound and asked Friday to take me up to the lounge. "Wait!" I stuck my foot in the elevator door and held it open for the visitor. 5 people squeezed in and I told Friday again to take us to the lounge. A girl with green hair and a scowl turned to me, eyeing me up and down. "Don't worry, you won't harm me and I won't harm you." I stuck my hand out for a handshake. "Names Peter, Peter Parker Stark-Rogers." The woman shook my hand and smiled softly. "Gamora. This is Peter Quill, Drax, Groot and Rocket." I waved at the team before the elevator door opened to Nat, Pops and Dad bickering about something. "Dad? Pops? I found some people." The three turned and Pops smiled. "Guardians!" I furrowed my eyebrows and took a seat on the bar. Aunt Nat sauntered up to me with a small smile. "These are some of the new people. They are from space, except Quill, he's from here but was abducted as a child." I nodded and thanked her quietly for clearing up my confusion. "So Stark, how long have you had a kid? He wasn't here when we were around last." Rocket inquired. I looked down at him and my eyes widened slightly when I realized he's a raccoon. Epic. "I was in an orphanage for a few months while they figured out the adoption process. I was living here before about 3 months ago."

I left the Guardians, Nat and my parents alone to talk. I decided to head to the training room. Once I got there, I looked around at the new stuff. They turned this place into a jungle gym kind of thing. I smiled brightly and wondered if it was a good idea to start fooling around again. "Hey Fri?" "Yes Peter?" I ran my hand across one of the tubes placed about 5 feet above the ground. "If I get hurt, you'll call for Dad right?" "Of course Peter." I grinned and jumped up, landing on the top of the tube. "Awesome."

At first, I was just running around the tubes and swinging on the nets. That got boring quickly, so I decided I'd test out how well I can stick to things. That's how I ended up halfway up the wall when people ran into the training room, breaking my concentration and causing me to fall. I closed my eyes and waited for impact, except it never came. I opened my eyes and blinked, my face 2 feet from the floor. "Pete?" Those 2 feet closed in and I groaned, rolling over onto my back. I stood up, looking at the floor and at my hands. "What the fuck?" "Pete are you okay?" Dad grabbed one of my shoulders and I nodded. "Did you see that?" I couldn't have been imagining that. "I watched you fall 10 feet." I furrowed my eyebrows. Maybe I am just imagining stuff. "What's wrong?" Pops came up behind Dad and I smiled softly. "I'm tired. I was trying to see if I could make it to the ceiling but now I'm feeling weak."

Pops picked me up and I waved to the group of space heroes before we turned the corner out of the training room. Pops walked me up to the lounge and gently set me on the couch. "Would you be able to stay up for the rest of the team? They're coming back from a mission tonight." I smiled softly and my eyelids fluttered a bit. "Clint too?" I asked through a yawn. "Clint's retired hun. I don't think he knows you're back." I nodded and relaxed into the cushions. "Get some sleep Pete."

I don't know how long I was asleep for but someone loud talking woke me up. I groaned and rolled over, ending up on the floor of the lounge. I opened my eyes and realized it's light outside. "Hey Steve, I think your kid's up." I didn't recognize the voice and I furrowed my eyebrows. Pops came into view and chuckled lightly once he saw I'm on the floor. "Hey bud, we're eating breakfast if you want some." He held out a hand and I grabbed it, hoisting myself up. "You look better." I looked down at my arms and noticed there's more color to them. I smiled softly and followed Pops into the kitchen. "Доброе утро." I mumbled to everyone, not even realizing I spoke Russian. Some people laughed and I stumbled into Dad. He chuckled lightly and hugged me, patting my back. "We've got company Pete." I whined and stood up straighter, looking at the team. There is faces I don't recognize, but I did see Guardians and everyone before I left. "Wanda!" She giggled slightly and rushed to hug me. "Я скучала по младшему брату." We stood there for a few moments before she released me and I got crushed by a few more people.

I sat down with a bowl of cereal and started eating. "Pete this is Sam, he's The Falcon." I looked up from my food with a smile. "Hey Sam, I'm Peter, Spiderman." I reached out and shook the man's outstretched hand. "You mean to tell me you guys adopted a superhuman?" I frowned slightly and pulled back my hands. "Pete's been with us for quite some time, his last family member passed and he had to spend some time in the system."

Loved (Book Two In the Spiderman Series)Where stories live. Discover now