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Wade and I got into the lab and he sat at my station. "What's your theory?" He asked and I could tell he was trying to understand at least a little bit. "Your cells, in order to keep you alive, activated your mutant powers. I want to see if I can return the oxygen to your skin cells and still keep your mutant powers working." Wade nodded, his expression less loss. "And how will you do that?" I looked at him with a hesitant smile. "By sticking needles full of oxygen and carbon dioxide into your skin?" Wade pursed his lips and nodded. "Okay, this is for science." I nodded and pulled out a few vials of chemicals. "God I hope this works." I muttered before mixing a few chemicals into a test tube. I grabbed a needle and filled the injector with the compound. I looked at Wade and he eyed the needle. "I love you." He looked at me and smiled warmly. "I love you too Baby Boy." I pushed the needle into his arm and pressed down the injector. His face screwed into a one of slight discomfort and I furrowed my eyebrows. I went to go take the needle out before Wade held up a hand, "Wait." We stared at his arm and that's when I noticed a small patch of scars start to fade. "Oh my god." I whispered.

Wade's eyes filled with tears and he pulled me into him, pressing his lips hard against mine. I kissed him back, smiling against his lips. He pulled away looked back at his arm. The patch started to grow bigger. "Would it be possible to inject it into my blood stream?" My eyes widened. "I...I don't know. If I did that, we would have to stay up to monitor for any damaging effects." Wade shrugged and grabbed my hands. "Do it." I nodded and I pulled out the needle still in his arm. I readied another needle and he held out his left arm for me. I found his vein quickly and pressed the needle into the crook of his elbow. I pressed down the injector and when the needle emptied, I pulled it out and pressed a pad to the injection site. Wade shivered shortly after and I watched him carefully. "Do you feel any different?" He shook his head and frowned. "Let's just wait for your heart to pump it out to the rest of your body. Why don't we go upstairs?" I suggested and he nodded, rubbing the part of his arm that went back to normal.

We went to the lounge and joined everyone watching TV. I sat in Wade's lap and he held me close. "Pete did you take your meds after lunch?" Nat asked and I nodded, my eyes on Wade's hands. We sat there for awhile, my eyes going back and forth between his hands and the TV. Whatever they were watching ended and people started to leave. I heard Wade gasped quietly and I turned my head, feeling a wide smile grow. "It worked!" I yelled and fell to the side of the couch, jumping onto my feet and grabbing his face. His skin was nearly smooth, apart from some blemishes he seemed to have had before the whole mutation. "Do you still feel mutated?" He nodded and I cheered. I pressed my lips to his and he held my face tightly. "Woah teenagers kissing!" Someone yelled and I pulled back from Wade. Wade frowned when I pulled back and stood up, pushing me behind him. Sam stood in the doorway of the living room with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and stood up, pulling Wade up with me.

Wade and I found ourselves in the kitchen, making food while we sang along to music. I slid across the floor in my socks and yelled, "I'm on the highway to hell!" Wade laughed when I fell into the cabinets and I jumped to my feet, dancing around with a smile. The song changed and Wade's eyes brightened. He started to sing along and I watched him with a grin. "She want to ride me like a cruise." He winked and I burned red. "You're a sunflower." I laughed and he pulled me into his arms. "I love seeing you smile." I wrapped my arms around his neck and we did little circles around the kitchen. "I love seeing you being happy even after everything. I've never seen someone bounce back like this. It amazes me, you amaze me." I stood up on my tippy toes, kissing him lightly. "We're going to be a great family." I whispered and Wade grinned. The music shut off, but Wade and I stayed in place. "Boys?" I looked over Wade's shoulder to see Steve standing there awkwardly. I sighed and pulled away from Wade. "Come on, I think we effectively burned our food." Wade dragged me out of the kitchen and we slid across the lounge floor, giggling loudly. "Will you two calm down?" Sam snapped and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Wade!" He turned and I snapped a picture of him. We decided to hang out on the roof after ordering pizza. I grabbed a piece of pizza from the box and laid out across the roof, my eyes taking in the sunset. "Thank you." I muttered and Wade looked over me. He didn't want to feel the rocks against his head, so he chose to sit next to me. "For what?" I swallowed the piece of pizza I ate. "For giving me a reason to be happy, to be okay. I love growing up with you, doing all the things I never thought I could do because of my lifestyle." Wade entwined our fingers and brought our hands to his lips. "We have an eternity baby, today was just one of several days we get together. I hope you don't get tired of me." I laughed softly and closed my eyes. "I could never get tired of you."

Loved (Book Two In the Spiderman Series)Where stories live. Discover now