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I woke up a little while later, Wade still wrapped around me. I hummed quietly and Wade looked down at me, smiling softly. "Hey baby, sleep well?" I nodded and buried my face in his chest. "Do you want to take a shower and eat or eat then shower?" I shifted and felt the leftover effect of our sex. "Shower then eat." Wade got out of bed, wincing lightly and only smiled when I giggled. "You think you'd heal that." He shrugged and helped me out of bed. "I wanted to feel the first time you topped for longer." I blushed and he laughed, pulling me toward the bathroom. "Come on, quick shower I promise." He knows how much I hate showering, but I feel better if he's either in here with me or if he showers with me. He turned on the water and we stepped into the tub.

I pulled on sweats and looked at the stitches in the mirror. "Do you think I could take them out now?" I looked back at Wade and he looked up, pulling his sweats to rest just below his hips. "I think we can take then out, but I'd wait until after we eat. I don't know about you but I am starving." I chuckled and grabbed his hand, leading us to the kitchen. We got to the kitchen and Warhead smiled at us, her smile sort of mischievous. "What's up War?" I asked and she giggled. "Cable and Colossus had to leave the house." She wiggled her eyebrows and Wade began to laugh. "Whoops." I blushed and buried my head in my hands. "Normally we can be as loud as we want at home. I made sure Friday sound proofed my room." Wade laughed harder and I turned, shoving his shoulder lightly. "Whatever you were the loudest one." I lightly walked to the fridge and opened it. "Hey do we have strawberries?" I tilted my head to look at War passed the fridge door. "Yeah, second drawer on the left." I opened said drawer and grabbed the box out with a grin. "Pete you hate strawberries." Wade pointed out and I looked down at my stomach. "Our kid craves strawberries."

After eating, Wade and I went back upstairs to deal with my stitches. I down on the counter and Wade stood between my legs. "How is it that this is our go to position?" I giggled and leaned up to kiss a hickey I left on his neck. "Because we can kiss without reaching." He chuckled and grabbed a pair of scissors from the counter. "Let me know if it hurts and I'll stop." I nodded and he started to cut away the stitches on the ones I stitched myself. The strings fell into my lap and I focused on closing the remaining holes left. I winced when he brushed passed a still healing burn and he looked at me worriedly. "I'm okay." He cut away the stitching around my chest and bent down to place a kiss next to the scar over my heart and lungs. He finished cutting away everything and I breathed deeply, feeling nothing pull at the skin. "Better?" I nodded and he pressed a kiss to my nose. "Good, now lets go for a walk." He lifted me off the counter and we grabbed shirts before leaving the house.

We walked behind the house, hand in hand. "Do you know what's happening at home?" Wade squeezed my hand and we stopped at a big tree about 50 feet from the house. He bent down and I noticed a headstone. "This is for Vanessa." I bent down next to him, putting my hand on the small of his back. "I loved her." He whispered brokenly and I looked down. "I know." He turned his head, his eyes shining with tears. "Can I talk to her?" I asked and he nodded, standing up. He squeezed my shoulder and I heard his footsteps retreating. "Hey Vanessa, I'm Peter, Wade's boyfriend. I promise that I'm taking good care of him. He misses you, a whole bunch. We're having a kid, though he didn't help make him, he's still acts like he's his. I wish we could've met under better circumstances." I put my hand on her gravestone and closed my eyes. I felt the warmth under my hand grow and when I opened my eyes, I smiled. The ground surrounding her grave is covered in beautiful flowers. "May you rest easy." I stood up, my back cracking. I found Wade and he wiped away the tears. "You did that? He pointed to the flowers around her grave. I nodded and he smiled, the tears falling slower. "I love you Peter Parker." I put my hands on his shoulders and he clasped his hand on the small of my back. "I love you too Wade Wilson." We stood there for awhile. I heard thunder crack in the distance and I looked up, seeing some dark clouds forming. "Was it supposed to rain today?" Wade shrugged and he pulled away, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Come on Spidey, Nat said that something is happening at home and we should come back soon."

We got back to the house about the same time it started raining. I felt something in my back, a discomfort. I couldn't tell what it was, but I didn't like it. "Hey Wade can I call home?" I asked when we got into the house. He nodded and handed me his phone. I didn't trust having one of my own, not after the whole Hydra thing. I couldn't trust that they weren't watching me. I unlocked it and clicked Nat's contact. It rang for a few minutes before it picked up. "Hello?" I breathed in relief, though the discomfort didn't leave. "Hey Nat, is everything okay over there?" She hesitated before speaking, "Yeah everything's going good." I looked at Wade and I already had my mind made up. "We're coming home, what's going on?" I pulled on Wade and he followed me upstairs. "The fight, Steve and Tony were just fighting. It's not good Pete." I pushed open my door and found my backpack. "Are either of them hurt?" "Tony almost died." I nearly dropped the phone and tears built in my eyes. "H-He's okay now right?" Nat hummed and I heard how tired she is. "Wade and I will be home in at least 6 hours. Don't tell anyone I'm coming. When I get there, the person who did this to him will eat my knuckles." I growled and hung up, shoving clothes in the backpack. "Pete what's wrong?" Wade is slowly packing next to me. "Dad was almost killed."

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