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Peter fell asleep again before the official family got to the compound. Steve carried Peter in and Tony went ahead, to make sure everyone was prepared.

Tony made it up to the lounge floor and Natasha jumped up from her seat, Wade close behind her. "Where is he?" Tony shushed them and sighed. "He's...he's going to need time. He's very malnourished, he's died a few times and he's been off of his hormones for quite some time. He's traumatized and in pain and I need you guys to be patient with him." Natasha's face fell and Wade looked ready to murder. "Is Steve with him?" Tony nodded and turned his head to the sound of the elevator beeping.

Steve came out of the elevator with a sleepy, but awake Peter on his back. "He woke up as soon as I got into the elevator." Tony smiled lovingly at the two and stepped closer to his boy. "Pete you have some people here."

I blinked slowly and looked up. I felt my heart beat quicken at the sight of Wade and Nat. "Wade!" I quickly got off Pops' back and bounded to the casually clad man. He grinned and pulled me into his arms and off the floor. "I missed you baby boy." I smiled softly and held him tighter. "I missed you too." He pulled back and kissed me lightly. "Don't leave me again." I nodded and he gently put me on my feet. "Yeah, not sure how I feel about that." Nat wrapped me in her arms and I broke down, burying my face in her shoulder. "I know Pete, how about you and I go give you that shot huh?" I nodded and she pulled away, taking me with her.

"Ready?" I nodded and she pushed the needle into my leg. I winced and she quickly pushed down the injector. After taking the needle out and applying a bandaid, she gave me a crooked smile. "Aunt Nat?" Her smile grew bigger. "Yes Pete?" I played with my hands. "Fill me in?" She laughed softly and jumped up on the counter opposite to me. "Well after you left with Wade, Tony and Steve were heartbroken. We all missed having you around. Uh...we met some space people, good space people. We met this guy who can shrink and grow in size. It's wild. Oh and there's talk of a...government leasing of the Avengers. The government has say over what and where we defend." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Will I have to sign it?" She nodded, "Fury has decided that you, Wanda, and Pietro will be protected under us. But that also means that you still have ability to protect your city." I smiled softly. "Am I many people were hurt while I was gone?" Nat hesitated and sighed. "There was a robbery last month...13 casualties, 24 dead." I hung my head and shut my eyes. "I'm so sorry." My voice shook and I tears fell into my lap. "Pete you couldn't have helped it. You've had it rough and maybe that doesn't give you an excuse, but surely someone understands. When you get better, you'll be able to save people again." I nodded and Aunt Nat leaned over the counter to wipe my tears away. "Why don't we go get you a check up and then I'll make you something to eat. Sound good?" I nodded again and she smiled, getting off the counter. "Do you think Wade could be in there with me?" "I think we'd have to talk Tony into it."

Dad insisted he sits in on the check-up, but I also threw a fit about Wade being there. We both got our ways. "Alright Pete, sit back and relax. I'm going to take some blood and do a normal routine check in okay?" Cho ordered. I nodded and sat on the hospital bed. Wade looked unsure before muttering, "Fuck it," and getting on the bed behind me. He wrapped his arms delicately around my stomach and I leaned into his chest. "I think Tin Can's pissed." Wade whispered, his lips at the base of my neck. I looked at Dad through my eyelashes. His arms are crossed and he's glaring at the floor. "I mean can you blame him? I'm 15 and you're touching 19." Wade chuckled quietly and kissed my shoulder blade lightly. "Does that bother you?" I tilted my head to look at him. "Not one bit." Wade smiled and I leaned my head back against his chest.

I winced when Cho took the needle out of my elbow. "Alright, besides some obvious malnourishment, you're healthy. You'll be taking Testosterone once a week for the next 6 weeks to right your levels again. Go eat." She patted my leg and I hopped off the bed, stumbling a few times. Wade caught me as I nearly fell. He lifted me into his arms and I huffed, allowing it to happen. "How about Mexican food? I'm craving it." I laughed and rolled my eyes at the older man. "Actually I think we should start off simple, Pete hasn't had food for awhile." Pops interjected. "Yeah okay, but once you're feeling better...Buffet." I giggled and nodded, leaning my head in Wade's neck.

Aunt Nat handed me a plate with a sandwich on it before sitting next to Wade and I. "How'd it go?" I looked at Dad and Pops before grinning. "Хорошо, но я не думаю, что им нравится Уэйд." Aunt Nat gasped and patted me arm excitedly. "You learned!" I nodded and she chuckled. "Я ожидал столько же. Не позволяй ему воспользоваться тобой, Питер." I nodded and took a bite of my sandwich. "How about we don't speak Russian around the parents?" Dad asked before flicking a chip at Nat and I. "Oh don't get your panties in a bunch Stark. He's just asked me about Clint." "Кстати, где Клинт?" Nat shrugged and I pursed my lips. "Clint's been MIA for awhile. I'm sure Fury knows something." Pops spoke up, his eyes on Wade. I looked at Wade and he smiled at me, his scars looking beautiful in the light.

Lost in my own world, I reached my hand up and touched Wade's neck. He closed his eyes and sighed softly. "I...I didn't think you'd let me." I muttered quietly. "Stark, Rogers..Can I talk to you in the lab?" Nat asked suddenly. Both men started to object before Nat yelled at them in some language I didn't understand, sounded like French. The three left and Wade grabbed the hand that's on his neck. "I missed you Pete. A lot. I don't think I touched one gun since you've been gone." I smiled softly and leaned my forehead on his. "The first week was okay. I was under surveillance because the night I went in, I didn't get back until 4 in the morning. Then they moved me to the girls side after one of the workers checked my medical records. That's when it went downhill. My roommate, she would call me names and never once did I hear Peter come out of her mouth. She hated me. Everyone would throw me around and I would let it happen. I felt like I had nothing, no one. I remember one time before I died, having to beg Karen to not call Tony. I felt like I would get in trouble." I bit my lip, the last 2 and a half months burned into my head like a regretful tattoo. "You've been through a lot." "I don't think I could've survived if I hadn't known I'd see you again."

"Be my boyfriend."

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