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I run into the compound and greet everyone. I run down to the med bay and sigh when I see the door. I push it open and my eyes widen. "D-Dad?" He lifts his head and gives me a pained smile. "Pete!" I rush over to him and assess the damage. "Who did this? W-Was it Pops?" Dad shook his head but his eyes betrayed him. I saw the pain and the fear when I said his name. "I want to talk him." "Pete don't do anything you'll regret." I pressed a kiss to Dad's bruised forehead and stalked out of the room. "Friday where's Steve Rogers?" "He's upstairs, in the farthest room in the right hallway." I followed the directions and I opened the door. Bucky jumped up and Pops slowly got to his feet.

"Pete!" Pops went to hug me but I moved aside. "How dare you?" His eyes softened and I bit back tears. "How dare you hurt the man you said you loved! He could've died! He's just a person with million dollar suits!" I yelled. My hands trembled with anger. "Pete you don't understand." I laughed bitterly. "No what I don't understand is why you would you stick up for a man who murdered several people! Why you would almost kill the man you vowed to never hurt!" I put a hand on my stomach, the baby's heartbeat reaching my fingertips and calming me down a bit. "If I ever find out you hurt a hair on his head again, you will regret it. And you!" I whirled around and pointed at Bucky. "I don't care how many times you saved my life and I don't care that because of you, I got special treatment from the psycho who kidnapped me. I find out that you murder another person, or you hurt another person in my family, you will personally die by my hands. Am I clear?" Both men glanced at each other and I started to leave the room. "I hope you enjoyed destroying this family. I hope you two enjoy your time together in whatever hell you're going to." I slammed the door and ran into Nat on my way back downstairs.

She held me tightly while I tried to keep it together. "I missed you Pete." A broken sob fell passed my lips and I heard Wade coming to us. Nat pulled away and my boyfriend replaced her. "I...If he had died..." Wade shushed me and picked me up, letting my legs wrap around his hips. "Just breathe Pete, Tony's okay, you're okay, our son is okay." He sat down on the couch in the lounge and I took deep shuddering breaths. "Remember what I said the other night, before we had...?" He trailed off, his breath warm in my ear. "No matter what we'll be okay and you will stay by my side." I finished and he pressed a kiss to my cheek. "That's right. Tony's going to live and everyone is okay." I lifted my head, wiping away my tears. "See? Can I have a kiss?" I laughed quietly and pressed my lips to his in a short but sweet kiss. I pulled back from Wade and turned, still sitting in his lap. "Can I ask who all was on Team Cap?" Sam, Clint, Wanda, and some guy I didn't even recognize rose their hands. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath, not wanting to stress my baby out. "And Team Iron?" Rhodes, Nat, Vision and some guy I also didn't recognize rose their hands. "Everyone okay?" They all nodded and I put a hand on my stomach. "Hungry?" Wade whispered and I nodded, feeling the baby shift just slightly. He picked me up, set me back down on the couch and went into the kitchen.

"Who are the new guys?" I asked, leaning into the cushions. "The white guy is Scott, he can shrink, grow and control ants. The other guy is T'Challa, he's the king of Wakanda and he runs around in a cat suit." Clint answered and T'Challa glared at him. "May I ask who you are?" T'Challa inquired, tilting his head slightly. Wade came back with a bowl of strawberries and I grinned. I took them from him and began to eat happily. "I'm Peter Stark-Ro...Just Peter Stark." Scott scoffed and folded his arms. "Didn't know the unlucky couple had a kid. Why weren't you there? And why are you coming in here treating us like we're kids?" I felt Wade tense and I put a hand on Wade's thigh, squeezing lightly. "I was kidnapped, 8 months ago. I only got back about a week ago. And with the attitude you just gave me, you act like a kid, so I have every right to treat you like one. You really want to try with me bugboy?" I snapped and I watched my family make faces of concern. Wade turned and put his head in my neck, laughing quietly. "You've got to be what 13?" Scott laughed and I put a hand on my stomach. I wondered if the baby would be upset if I electrocuted this fool right on the spot. "15. Let me guess, you've just got out of prison, you have a daughter and your ex has only just forgiven you for tearing your family apart. You saved your city once and you all the sudden think your high and mighty?" Wade snorted and everyone hissed. I knew I hit a weak spot. "This kid can't be serious." Scott started to stand up, but Wade stood up first, blocking him from my view. "You put one hand on him, though I'm sure he could take care of himself, you'll have an entire superhuman team on your ass. Do you really want to take those chances?"

Scott sat back down and Wade eventually sat back next to me. Scott glared at me and I smirked, loving his anger. "Is it hot in here?" I looked at Wade and he shook his head. I put my hand on my stomach, closing my eyes. I looked for any discomfort in the baby, eventually finding nothing. I pulled my shirt over my head and laid back on the couch. "Woah." Someone whispered. Wade lifted my head, putting it in his lap. I rested a hand over the baby and Wade began to lightly trace the scars.

Loved (Book Two In the Spiderman Series)Where stories live. Discover now