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A week and a half later
I rubbed my sore wrists softly and walked off the Quinjet. The readhearing the suit to my system hurt more than I'd like to admit, but Shuri had done what I asked and even more. I now have retractable arms on my back that helps me get to buildings quicker. "Go makeup with Wade." Dad pushed me out of the elevator and I stumbled into the lobby. I grumbled and walked forward, feeling hungry. "It's been almost 2 weeks! Why isn't he back yet?" I heard Wade's voice loud and clear and apparently so did Percy because he kicked me extra hard. "Ow you little ass." I cursed and rubbed the spot he kicked. Of course the kid probably has super strength, so that doesn't help the kicking factor. I'm sure he could outward bruises if he wanted to.

I made it to the kitchen and kicked off my shoes. Wade has his back turned to me and Nat is in front of him. "Relax Wade. He's fine and I'm sure he'll be home soon." He huffed and I went to the fridge. "Hey Clint." Wade said absentmindedly and I chuckled quietly. "Nat, Perce is giving me mad cravings for those burritos in Brooklyn, ya know the ones that Steve would always bring home when he was having a bad day?" Nat groaned and I laughed. "Pete!" Wade pulled me into a tight hug and I had to resist the urge to struggle. I felt my body react in a way and Wade let me go. I noticed my vision narrowed and I looked down at my hands. Oh fuck.

"Karen what happened?" I hissed and her robotic voice played in my ears, "Your suit reacted to the distress you were feeling." "Can you disable that?" She made a sort of noise that told me she couldn't. "Can you retract the suit?" My mask came off and I breathed out slowly. "New plan, until I figure out what the hell my body is doing, don't attack me." I stretched out my arms and watched the suit dissolve into my skin. Wade stepped away from me and then frowned. "Why didn't you call?" I shrugged and reached for the coffee pot. "Didn't think you'd want to hear from me. You could've called me." I pointed out and he crossed his arms. I poured a cup of coffee and sipped the bitter liquid. "We still need to talk about stuff." I rubbed my forehead and set the cup aside. I leaned back against the counter and lifted myself up on it. "Are you going to call me a kid again?" He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry by the way. I was mad and I shouldn't have called you kid. You're right, you've been through way too much to be treated like that. And I do understand your need to buy time, but I really need you to talk to me about these things. Especially when at that time, Perce was prone to death at sudden movements." I nodded and played with the ring. "I wasn't intentionally keeping it from you. I just couldn't find a good time and with everything, I truly forgot. It wasn't brought up again and I didn't have a reason to think back to it."

Wade grabbed a chair and pulled it to in front of me. He sat in it and grabbed my feet, kneading his fingers into the skin. I leaned my head against the cabinet and let myself relax. "I'm about to suggest something, and I don't want you to take it the wrong way. I think we need to find more hobbies that don't include each other. I think we've been fighting more often because we literally spend every second of the day on or around each other. I know Perce is one of the reasons why that is, but if we're going to make this work, we need to have alone time." I held up a weak thumb and he chuckled. "Tired?" I nodded and slumped back against the cabinets. "I barely slept that entire time. Shuri kept waking me up anytime I showed any signs of distress while asleep." Wade made a noise of distaste and walked forward. "I'm going to pick you up." He did as he said and I snuggled into his arms. I grabbed one of his hands and put it on my stomach. Percy kicked in response and Wade gasped quietly. "He started when I got to Wakanda."

I rolled over and tumbled to the floor. A second later, my body is encased in my suit and the legs lifted me off the floor. "Karen take it off." I groaned and I fell back to the floor when the legs disappeared into my back. The bathroom door opened and Wade stopped next to me. "What happened?" I huffed and pulled myself up. "Percy stop kicking!" I groaned and my fingers felt staticky. "I had a nightmare." I answered Wade's previous question and he nodded. "Karen retract Mock 4." I shuddered when I felt the suit leaving my body and it fell to the floor in a crumpled mess. "The binding to my nervous system and brain didn't go correctly. I think I have to wait until Percy is born." I bent down and grabbed the suit, folding it into a small square. "Karen locate my Mock 2 web shooters." "Can't triangulate." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the room. "Karen where was the last place my Mock 2 was seen?" "Your suit sent out its last satellite signal 12 months ago. The satellite picked up the image of an abandoned warehouse. 4 stories, basement included." I froze and dug my fingers into the material of Mock 4. "Was it active?" "No sir. It seemed to have been destroyed as soon as you were completely out of it."

"Why was Mock 2 destroyed?" Wade asked and I looked down at the floor. "Mock 2 was the suit I was wearing when I was kidnapped. It was taken off when I was raped the first time." I felt tears rise and I struggled to calm down. "That was the first suit Dad made for me." I began to shake as the memories of that began to surface. "Mr. Wilson, should I inform Tony Stark of both Peter Parker's and Percy's Parker's distress?" Images flashed behind my eyelids and I cried out when I started to feel hard kicks in my abdomen. The door opened and people ran in. "What happened?" That only reminded me of the time the other Hydra base stormed ours. Someone put their hand on my back and I turned, flipping them and pinning them to the floor. "Woah woah!" My eyes cleared and Scott struggled under my arms. "Pete!" I was pulled back and I started to struggle. "Sir it seems Peter is experiencing a PTSD attack." "Get off me!" I screamed and struggled some more. "Tony he's going to hurt someone or Percy!" Through my blurry vision, I saw someone coming toward me with a needle. "No don't! I'm sorry. Don't hurt me." I begged and dropped to my knees, curling into a ball. The needle slid into my neck and I felt my body grow tired. "We need to get him to Shuri. She'll know how to help." Someone picked me up and I struggled. My motions are jerky and sluggish. "He's trying to fight it." "Pete calm down." Big tears started to fall down my face and someone grabbed my hand. The ring started to slip off my finger and I began to whimper. "No no! I promise I'll be good." Black danced in my vision and I saw Wade's distressed face. "Wade." I muttered and he turned to look at me. "I can't feel h-" My vision grew dark and Percy's name fell from my lips and I felt the last of his heartbeat.

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