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"Nat be safe, I mean it." Wade put his hand on the woman's shoulder and smiled softly. "It's just some paperwork Wade. Let me know if anything important happens." She got onto to the jet and Wade watched it fly away. He looked around, feeling lost. His best friend, the love of his life, has been missing for 8 months now. He saw him in the arms of that metal armed freak 6 months ago and he didn't look good.

Wade went upstairs and he was met with Steve and Tony suited up. They grinned with excitement, something Wade hasn't seen for months. "We found him. SHIELD got news of an underground base, the same one we followed them to. We assumed they would move him again, but he's probably still there." Steve informed him and Wade's heart beat unevenly. "I'll stay here and make sure everything is okay. Get my boyfriend home."

Months passed. Bucky never came back. I assumed the Avengers got to him. "Come on маленький паук." I stood up, wobbling from the lack of nutrients in my body. I followed the solider out of my cell and I cautiously looked around. It felt colder here, maybe it's around Christmas. Oh how I love Christmas. This is my first Christmas without May. Without a family. I resisted the urge to cry, I missed my family. I lost all hope that they'd find me. We stopped at a wooden door and I stepped in. The same man who had taken me all those months ago, smiled at me from behind a long table. "Peter, I was wondering if you'd run an errand for me?" I gazed at him cautiously. He never let me leave the immediate area. I didn't speak. I learned to stop speaking after Bucky left. Any and all questions earned torture, some sexual. "I will be leaving to attend a meeting in Berlin. You will stay at the compound, training and overseeing any and all activities. Understood?" I nodded slowly. Why was he leaving me here? Was something bad going to happen? "Under no circumstances, are you allowed to leave. Can you do that for me?" I nodded again. "Good boy." He waved me off and I turned on my heel, leaving the area.

The man who kidnapped me waved as he left the compound. I was left alone, the dark compound scaring me beyond no belief. A part of me screamed to run and escape. Could I? Maybe I should try and find my suit. I know they still have it. I ran through the dark compound, looking for that red and blue suit.

I went back to my room empty handed. I searched every nook and cranny and I still can't find it. I sat down on my bed and rubbed my hands against my pants. "Hello?" A voice called. The voice echoed through the halls outside my door. I stood up quickly, reaching for a knife I keep in my pants. I readied it and snuck out the door into the darkness. The dark didn't seem so dark though, I could see through it just fine. "Peter!" My heart beated unevenly. Why is that voice so familiar? "Maybe they aren't here any more Tony. Why would they leave him here alone?" Dad? "Wait hush. I heard something." I heard footsteps approaching and I climbed onto the wall. I put the knife in between my teeth, holding the blade away from my skin. I crawled up the side of the wall and onto the ceiling. "Wait there's a light!" Two pair of running footsteps ran down the hall and stopped at my room. I slowly lowered down from the ceiling. My spidey sense didn't go off. It always goes off no matter what, I always felt in danger. I let go of the web and lowered myself onto the floor. "This room has been used, recently. You can still smell him." Dad observed and I smiled. "They either just left or he's still here." I crept forward and leaned against the wall. "Friday look for life forms." The AI seemed to say something because a second later Dad turned and aimed a pulverizer at me.

I stepped out of the shadows and felt the tears well up. The two men rushed forward and pulled me into a hug. I felt my breath quicken and I pulled away, shaking slightly. They looked hurt before Pops looked at my neck. The hickeys from last night's punishment showed bright. His eyebrows furrowed and he reached out to pull down my collar. I grabbed his wrist and shook my head. "Did they...?" I nodded at Pops' question and he choked back what sounded like a sob. "Come on we got to get you home." I nodded and ran into my room, wanting some of the things they gave me. I grabbed weapons and the web slingers I asked if I could have. I turned off the light and stepped out into the dark hallway. Dad swung an arm around my shoulders and I stopped, pointing at his suit and at me. "Your suit? I can have Karen sound out a distress signal." I nodded and he asked Friday to do so.

I heard Friday say that my suit pinged in the hallway over. I tilted my head and ran in that direction. I pulled a knife from my pocket and held it out in front of me. These people like to be sneaky. Dad and Pops followed behind me and I heard something beeping quietly. If it weren't for my super hearing, I wouldn't have heard it. I walked through the door, my eyes scanning the room. A little red light caught my eye and I moved quickly to reach it. There sat my suit. I grabbed it and walked out. I looked around again, hoping to find something of interest. Nothing caught my eye and I left the way I came, still keeping an eye out for anyone awake at this hour.

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