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"Dinner!" Nat shouted and I helped Wade into the kitchen. He sat down in a chair and I took the open stool at the bar. Scott looked at me and then laughed quietly. That unnerved me and I made it so that his presence didn't show any obvious discomfort. Steve handed me my plate and I looked at it, waiting for my body to tell me its okay. After a moment, I deemed it safe and I quietly thanked the solider.

"Peter." I looked up from my food. Dad fiddled with his fork and I immediately knew something was up. "The accords, they've been disbanded." I nodded slowly and Steve sighed. "You need to make a decision." I tensed and my eyes widened. "What? What decision?" Wade asked, his voice terse. "I thought I had time! Percy isn't even close to being born!" Dad looked away and I pushed away from the bar. "Pete what decision?" Wade attempted to stand up, but Clint pulled him back down. "They want me to be a part of the new Avengers. Take their place." His eyes widened and he began to shake his head. "No absolutely not! Pete you're pregnant!" Wade stressed each word and I groaned. "I know!" "He's been trying to stall." Nat accused and I glared at her. "What else do you want me to do? Say yes and risk my kid? Say no and tell them why? Just saying I don't want to is not gonna be enough for the government!" I shouted and all the adults flinched.

"I've got to do it." Wade shoved himself out of the chair, wobbling a bit. "I swear to God Peter Benjamin Parker you risk my kid...!" I flinched at the anger and looked away. "Wade calm down." Nat stood up and shoved Wade into his chair. "Pete I swear, don't do this to him." "I'm not going to do anything to him! I'll tell them I will join but first I need things in order. They'll have to wait until Percy is born." I pointed at Steve and his team. "No one but the people in this room, Matt Murdock, MJ Watson, Ned Leeds and the X-Men are to know that I have a child. If the government or SHIELD find out I have a child who possesses my powers as well as the ones I have acquired because of experiments, he will be taken away from me. If it is leaked and I found out who did it, I will personally ring your neck." I threatened and everyone nodded curtly. I pointed at Wade and he smiled slightly. "Don't threaten me again." I snapped and left the room.

I ended up in Percy's unfinished room, playing with the end of a shirt I had bought him awhile ago. We might have to rethink the clothes, maybe buy him ones that are a bit more feminine. A knock hit the wood and Wade stepped in, an apologetic smile on his face. He held out a bowl of strawberries and cream cheese frosting. I looked at him for a moment before smiling. "Thank you." I muttered and he moved towards me, sitting just next to me. "I shouldn't have threatened you. I know you wouldn't jeopardize Percy's life." I took the bowl from him and looked at it for a second. "I can't just say no Wade. Unfortunately I don't have that luxury. I would, I would tell the government to go crawl back into the ass it came from, but I would risk you, Percy, my freedom." I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"We have a lot of things we need to talk about don't we?" He said suddenly and I felt myself tense. "Nothing bad." He added and I huffed, biting into a strawberry. "Yeah. I'm sorry for not telling you about the Avengers thing. I wanted to stall as much as possible. I thought if I stalled then I could say yes when Percy was born. I was told when I went to go see you after you went to Matt's." Wade turned and stared at me incredulously. "You've known for 2 months?" He hissed and I looked down. "I didn't want it to seem like I was hiding stuff, but I also didn't want you to freak out." He pushed himself to sit in front of me and he pinched the bridge of your nose. "Pete I understand that this stuff doesn't look big, you're almost 16 for christ sake, but you can't hide this stuff. This is bigger than you, bigger than me." My mouth dropped open. "Don't blame this on my age! We both know I'm old enough to deal with things that no one else could deal with. I've been through things that kids fear. Don't for a fucking second think I did this because I'm some naive child. I was trying to buy time." I stood up and shoved the bowl of strawberries he brought away from me. "If I'm just 16, then why the hell did you want to get engaged. That's some adult thing right?" I snapped and left the room, slamming the door on my way out.

I decided to go to Dad's lab. I wanted to work on my suit, see if I can get it to shape with me. That'd probably require nanotech though. I can call Ned and have him help me try to figure it out. I sighed and went through the sliding doors. Dad swiveled to see me and he smiled softly. "Hey kiddo. Is everything okay?" I nodded and rubbed my eyes, trying to rid any evidence that I was crying. "I want to work on my suit, do you think I could integrate nanotech into the fiber to have it shape with me? Like if I were to shift into...say a bear, could it shift with me?" He frowned and rubbed his chin. "I...I don't think so. But I do know of someone who could either give you the material or help you make it." I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. "Who?" Dad smiled, "Up for a trip to Wakanda?"

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