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Happy dropped me off and I made a mad dash to PE, which is, unfortunately, my 1st period. Midtown required us to take 4 years of PE. I pushed open the door to the boys locker room right as the bell rang. I took the clothes that coach handed to me and went to the bathrooms. It was already bad enough that they had to see my legs, I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of seeing my chest or back.

I finished getting changed and I shoved my stuff in my backpack. I met up with MJ outside when I stashed my bag somewhere. "Pete..." I looked down at my legs and sighed, swallowing passed the lump in my throat. "I know, don't bring it up." I felt the wind blow against my the scars and I shuddered when I felt the electricity go passed that point. "Penis!" I groaned and turned to face Flash. He eyed me up and down and his eyes widened when he saw my exposed legs. "W-What are those?" He sputtered and I looked away. "None of your business." I spat and followed MJ onto the track. I put a hand on my stomach and tapped the same beat that Wade uses to calm down the baby. "You're showing." MJ commented and I grinned. "Yeah, I noticed it this morning." The coach blew his whistle and I started to jog around the track, my head in the clouds. I passed MJ five times and Flash four, each time I earned a glare from the older boy.

"Okay everybody that's enough! Go get dressed!" I stopped running and walked quickly into the locker rooms. As soon as everybody was back in there and getting dressed, I was already dressed and twisting my ring nervously around my finger. I'm tempted to text Wade, but I felt like that would be annoying. Plus I'm sure he'll text me during my lunch. "Parker!" Coach shouted and I turned to face him. "You did good today. May I ask why you weren't in my class for eleven months?" My expression darkened and I put my hand on my stomach. "Didn't you see the news? I was out of comission." The bell rang and I slipped out of the locker room, finding MJ quickly. She put her arm around my shoulders and we waited for Ned before we walked to second period.

Fortunately because of our block schedule, I only had to go to first, second, lunch, seventh and eighth. I sighed in relief when the bell rang for the end of the day. Wade promise he'd be here to pick me up, so I basically dragged MJ out to the courtyard to look for him. "Pete?" I hummed and smiled when I spotted Wade. "Wade!" I called and he turned, facing me with a smile. I jogged to him and he picked me up, pulling me into a tight hug. He set me back on my feet and kissed me quickly. He put his hands on my stomach and I leaned my head on his chest. We stood like that until I remember MJ and Ned. I pulled back and grabbed his hand. "I want you to meet my best friends." He smiled brightly and let me lead him to where they're standing. "Pete, I didn't know you had a boyfriend." MJ commented, her gaze skeptical. I chuckled and Wade wrapped his arm around my waist, his slender fingers tapping a slight beat on my stomach. I know he doesn't like to be out in public, mainly because of how his skin was before.

"MJ, Ned, this is my fiancee Wade." Ned's eyes bugged out of his head and his mouth dropped. "FIANCEE!" He yelled, catching the attention of a few people, Flash being one of those. My face burned red and MJ smacked Ned upside the head. "Yeah, I proposed last night after a particularly rough day." Wade spoke quietly, his eyes cast down on me. I burned redder after the memory. "Is..the baby yours?" MJ almost whispered. "Not genetically. We found out he was with child after we found him. That doesn't make this child any less mine though." MJ smiled and put her hand on my arm. "I like him," she turned to look at Wade, "Please take care of him." Wade nodded and held out his pinky. MJ and Ned both locked their pinkies with his and they shook their hands up and down. "Pete, we've got to get home." I tilted my head and he lowered his head to speak in my ear. "The divorce was finalized this morning and he's refusing to leave without seeing you. Be civil, make a compromise and don't give him any reason to fight custody."

I sighed and nodded, my lip going between my two front teeth. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, and I promise you're both invited to the wedding." I winked and they both rolled their eyes. "Expect some shit from Flash, nearly half the courtyard heard Ned's outburst." MJ added before she walked away with Ned. Wade removed his arm from my waist and took my hand instead. "Who's Flash?" He asked once we got in his car. I huffed and put my seatbelt on. "This ass that's been bullying me since elementary. I have it under wraps, I can kick his ass into the next century. And I haven't let him get close to the baby." I hastily answered and Wade frowned, raising an already formed blonde eyebrow. "If he gives you anymore problems, I'll give him a visit." I shook my head and put my hand on his leg. "Won't be necessary."

We got to the compound and Wade shouldered my backpack. "God this thing is heavy." He muttered and grabbed my hand. "Super strength love." I reminded gently and he chuckled, leading us into the elevator. He dropped my backpack and pulled me in for a kiss. I happily kissed back and didn't move when the elevator stopped at our floor. "Stop making out in the elevator!" Dad shouted and I pulled away with a satisfied smile. I let Wade drag me out of the elevator and I pulled away to go to the kitchen. "Babe you've got to talk to Steve!" He called and I peeked my head around the corner. "The baby is calling for food." Dad turned his back and I winked, making Wade's eyes widen. I retreated back into the kitchen with a smile. In there I found Sam, Bucky, Scott and Steve. I inwardly groaned and sauntered to the fridge. I opened the door and pursed my lips. I really want cream cheese frosting...

"Peter!" I whirled around and rose an inquisitive eyebrow. "I'm sure Wade told you, Tony and I got divorced this morning." Steve announced, no hint of regret or sadness in those words. What a dick. "Yeah I know, a few things about that. I don't want you randomly uprooting me from things whenever you want to see me. I expect at least a week or 2 notice." He nodded and he looked me over, his eyes stopping on my finger. "What is that?" He voice rose an octave and I played dumb. "What is what?" He pointed at the ring and I looked at it before shrugging. "Ned gave it to me, said it looked cool and because he couldn't celebrate my birthday with me, he wouldn't wait until the next." Steve visibly calmed down and I looked around the room, my eyes catching certain points of hanging abilities.

I smiled and flicked my wrist, my Spiderman hand coating my hand. I shot a web up to the rafters and tugged lightly. No creak or point of weakness was found and I jumped up, grabbing onto the rafter with my hand and flipping upside down. I slid back down the web, upside down and with my shoes pressed together. I was doing an upside squat kinda thing. It reminded me of my sleeping position while I was under captivity. "Pete won't the baby get hurt?" Steve inquired. I waited a second, seeing if my Spidey sense would warn me. "No, I think he's fine." He nodded awkwardly and looked at the four. They watched me with unamused expressions. "Right well I love you." I didn't respond and he looked hurt. "Come on guys, we'll miss our plane." The four left the room and Wade walked into the kitchen before turning around and leaving.

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