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Wade and I stayed in our room for a few hours, just talking and laying together. Wade sighed and I rolled over in his arms. He looked content and tired. "What are you thinking?" I whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek lightly. He closed his eyes and breathed through his nose. "I love you." He muttered and I put my head on his chest. "We love you too." Wade put his hand on my stomach and lightly traced shapes. "Out of everything that happened, I wouldn't trade this baby for the world." Wade pressed a kiss to the top of my head. I got a peek of courage and within seconds, I'm straddling the slightly older man. He grins and put his hands on my waist. I lean forward, putting my arms by the side of his head. "You are a wonder Mr. Parker." Wade whispered and he lifted his head to meet my lips. We kissed, not in a hurry, but we weren't grandma's about it either. I pulled away slightly, my cheeks heating up. "I can't be away from you. I wanted to be afraid, a part of me wanted to push you away because I was fearful of what could've happened. But you've done everything to assure me I'm safe. You helped me be able to shower without fearing being burned. You helped me sleep regularly again. You've helped me feel like me again." Wade's eyes teared up and he leaned forward again, kissing me harder and more passionately than last time. "I love you so fucking much." He whispered against my lips. I grabbed his face and he bit my lip. We made it out for a few minutes before a knock interrupted us.

"Wade, someone wants to see you!" Colossus announced and Wade groaned. "I feel like I live here again." I snickered and rolled off of his lap, landing on my back. "Coming!" He called and got up, nabbing a shirt from the floor. I got up as well, not really bothering to grab anything to cover up my stitches. Wade opened the door and I followed behind, feeling hungry. "Wade where's the kitchen?" Wade stopped and then grabbed my hand. "Down here. In the last 4 days you've been home, you've barely eaten a thing." He muttered and I rubbed my stomach absentmindedly. "Well the baby is calling for food, so I must supply." Wade chuckled and we entered the threshold of the kitchen. Two teenage girls, Colossus, a man with a scar over his eye, a teenage boy, and an older man stood in the kitchen. They froze when we crossed into the kitchen. "Wade, Peter! I'm making pasta for dinner, sound good?" My stomach growled and I smiled. "Sounds great." I went to go sit down but Wade grabbed me and pulled me into his chest, his arms going around our baby protectively.

"Wade I'm not going to hurt you or your boyfriend." The older man said and I furrowed my eyebrows. How do they know each other? "How are you still alive? I was told that you were buried." The man grinned and stood up. My body tensed and I felt the tingle on the back of my neck go through the rest of my body. Wade held me tightly while the others watched us cautiously. "We both know that we can't die. I can't say the same for your boyfriend." I stayed quiet, but I looked at Wade and he smirked a little. "Why are you here Dad?" Logan. "You were Hydra's favorite subject. Besides Winter Solider." I found myself saying and I saw the man's face turn surprised then angry. "How do you know about Hydra?" I shrunk back into Wade and he put his face into my neck, trying to calm me down. "Do you want to go for a walk?" He whispered in my ear and I shook my head, feeling the tears build in the back of my eyes. I turned in his arms and he held me close when the tears started to cascade down my face. "Dad, Pete had a bad run in with Hydra." I heard the older sigh and mumble an apology. "I'm going to go calm him down, save some food for us please. Twice as much for Pete."

Wade sat me on the bed and he stood in between my legs, his hands on my waist. "Babe, deep breaths in and deep breaths out." My breaths shuddered and a few sobs spilled out of my lips. "I'm sorry." I whimpered and Wade hushed me, moving his hands to my face. "Don't apologize for something you can't control. I love you." I hiccuped and Wade wiped away the tears. "I love you too." I finally calmed down and Wade pulled me into a gentle hug. "See, I know my dad is a big asshole, but he won't hurt you. I won't let him hurt you or our son." I nodded and pressed a chaste kiss against Wade's neck. "Can we eat now?" Wade pulled away and laughed at my pout. "Sure thing baby. After dinner we can see if those stitches can be taken out or not."

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