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"Can we not do this in front of the kids?" I begged my wife...or ex-wife. "No Clint!" I winced, the feedback on my hearing aids hurting my eardrums. "They are old enough to know their father is leaving them!" I looked at my kids and saw their faces fall. "Don't put this on me! You're kicking me out." Laura shot me daggers and I tugged at my hair. My phone rang and through my frustrated tears I saw the caller ID as Natasha. Maybe it's news on Peter. I've been worried about him since he stopped showing up. 

"Nat now is not the time." I sniffled and heard her sigh. "Fighting again?" I looked back at my broken family and felt more tears fall. "I guess you could say that. What's wrong, has something happened?" "Aunt Nat!" A voice called on the other end. "Я разговариваю по телефону с Клинтом!" Natasha answered. "Sorry Clint, listen Pietro had a night terror. He was screaming and Peter had to hold him down, electrocuting him to wake him up. He asked for you and I know that Laura is giving you a hard time but he needs you." I felt my face soften. My Pietro. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Leaving again?" Laura whispered from behind me. I put my head on the doorframe I was facing. "There is some Avenger business I need to be there for." I turned around, wiping away some tears. Laura sighed and put her hand on my face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way when you told me you wanted a divorce. I know you love the kids and I'm willing to allow you to visit and see them. Just...tell me why." I looked down and closed my eyes. "After Ultron...we brought back a least that's what he seemed like. He saved my life and I helped him recover after the war...he had night terrors and I stayed with him. Everytime I came here, I would worry about leaving him alone and I wouldn't be able to sleep without him there. It wasn't until you suggested having another kid that I knew I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't love you right while I fell for another."
Laura sniffled and I felt my heart break. I hated doing this to her. "I understand. Just don't leave your kids."

I woke up in Wade's arms. I smiled and traced my finger lightly over his scars. He shifted in his sleep and his grip tightened. I heard his breathing change and I turned to look at him. He opened his eyes and his face split into a tired smile. I buried my face in his bare chest and he twisted his fingers in my hair. "Peter and Mr. Wilson, Tony Stark would like you to come downstairs." I groaned and Wade's chest vibrated with laughter. He started to get up and that forced me to sit up. The blanket fell from my chest and Wade bursted into laughter. I looked down at my collarbone and found dark hickeys littered. I shrugged and got up, finding a hoodie on the floor. I pulled it over my head and turned to face my shirtless boyfriend. "Better give me a kiss or I'll make you carry me." I threatened with a grin. The older rolled his eyes and crossed the room, grabbing my waist and pulling me into him. He pressed his lips to mine and I tilted my head to make the kiss deeper.

"Peter get your ass down here!" Dad yelled into the intercom. I pulled away from Wade and grimaced. "Come on Spidey." Wade led me out of the room, still shirtless. If it weren't for the hickeys I'd be shirtless too. We walked the short distance to the lounge, silence between us.

We got to the lounge and I found everyone there. Well everyone that isn't Clint, Bruce or Thor. Wade and I sat down and I folded in on myself. Dad and Pops stared at us for a second before Nat passed us each a plate with bacon and eggs. Wade dug into his quickly, but I ate slowly. My stomach is still upset from eating so much yesterday. I got halfway through my plate before I decided I was done. I set down my plate and pushed it away from me. "Pete you need to eat." Dad insisted and I shook my head. "I can't." He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Peter you have to get over this. You're no longer in the orphanage and you can't just not eat. You won't get your strength back." Pops pushed and I stood up, knocking the coffee table away from me. I stalked out of the room, ignoring the shouts to come back.

I got to the training room, tears in my eyes and my stomach tumbling uncomfortably. I felt sick and worthless. A small part of my brain begged me to just get some peace and quiet. Somehow I felt that it was better, maybe Wade is isn't grand when you can't die. I always felt grand when I'm with him, maybe because he keeps me sane.

I angrily hit a dummy, my knuckles splitting in some places. I reached up and wiped away the fallen tears. "Come on wimp, man up and eat." I chastised while I threw a hard punch at the metal dummy. I felt my knuckle break and I sighed. I stepped away from the dummy and went to go walk away before I turned back and roundhouse kicked it in the head. I kicked it so hard, the bone breaking was unmistakable. I hissed and stumbled to the door, the pain in my foot causing more tears to jump to my eyes.

I stumbled toward the med bay, tears streaking down my cheeks. I pushed into the doors and ignored the others in there. I dropped into a rolling chair and rolled myself toward the medical cabinet. "Has anyone see-Peter are you okay?" Dad rushed to my side and I pushed him away from me. "Leave me alone." I hissed and I grabbed the cleaning agents, splints and bandages. "Steve and I are sorry, we shouldn't have pushed you." I hung my head and bit my lip when I dabbed the alcohol against my split and bleeding knuckles. "Pete please." I shook my head and looked up at him.

"I'm trying. I really am. I want my Aunt and I want to die normally and I want to be able to eat without feeling sick all the time. I can't have those things if you hound me and treat me like shit for things I can't control."

Loved (Book Two In the Spiderman Series)Where stories live. Discover now