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I left the room, running my hand through my still short hair. Wade had to leave to go help someone with a job and that left me at home. The cool air hit the new hickeys on my neck and I shivered. God I must look like a sex addict. I had to put on a shirt because of the amount of marks Wade left. Normally he sticks to my neck and collarbone, but they are all down my stomach and across my hips. If Dad hadn't suspected we're having sex, he'd really know now.

I sauntered in the kitchen, humming quietly to myself. It's breakfast time and the little one is just as hungry as I am. I had thrown up not too long ago. My morning sickness is way worse with this one than the last. To be fair, I wasn't very far along with the other one. A small pang of hurt went through my heart and I sighed silently. I wish they didn't die, I would've loved to have two babies. "Morning Pete." Clint greeted when he noticed me standing in the doorway. I nodded and looked around the room. I assessed everyone and deemed it okay to continue looking for food. "Where's Wade?" Dad looked at my stomach, silently asking a question. I shook my head slightly, "He's working a job. He won't be home for another day or so." I dreaded that. How would I sleep without him? Maybe I could sleep with Dad or Nat.

I made myself a bowl of strawberries and sat down between Nat and Dad. "Pete do you want to train?" Clint asked and I slowly shook my head. "I can't it's against Cho's orders." Nat narrowed her eyes and looked at my stomach, her eyes widening slightly. She opened her mouth and I grabbed her arm, shaking my head. I tilted my head to Steve, Sam, Scott and Bucky. "Est-ce celui de Wade?" I shook my head, "Result of an attack." She frowned and nodded. The four at the end of the table watched our interaction and Nat tapped my stomach. I held up 5 fingers. "Semaines?" I nodded and she grinned. "I'm here for you Pete." I thanked her and Dad tapped me on the shoulder.

"The system has demanded they see you go back to school. They let you have time off after being the system and then you got kidnapped shortly after we got you back, but now they're tired of waiting." I froze and felt my hands squeeze together. "Hey calm down, they agreed to let you skip the two years you missed because they believe you don't need it. You'll go into your Senior year. Wade has agreed to drop you off and pick you up. Ned and MJ will be there." He reasoned and I nodded shaking. "When do I go back?" He frowned and looked at his watch. "You're already late to your 3 period." I groaned and shoveled down the rest of my food. "Nat, make me lunch please. No mayo or cheese and add strawberries. Someone text Wade and let him know where I'm going. I'm going to go get ready." I jumped off the stool, ignoring the stumbling and made a dash for my room. While there, I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, one of Wade's shirts and I grabbed one of his hoodies for when I got cold. I tied an old pair of Converse to my feet and stood up, shaking out my limbs. I took my vitamins, injected myself with Testosterone, brushed my teeth and searched for my old phone. I found it quickly and turned it on, making sure it's charged. I grabbed a pair of headphones off my desk and left the room. I met with Nat and she handed me my backpack and a lunch. "Happy is here to take you there. Text us if you have any issues, I packed extra medicine into your bag in case." She winked and kissed my forehead. I left the compound and met with Happy on the bottom floor.

He pulled in Midtown High and I slowly got out, gripping my bag. I walked into the familiar building and headed straight for the office. The last time I was here, I was injected with sleep meds and taken to an orphanage. I shuddered and got the attention of the receptionist. "Peter!" She exclaimed and I smiled awkwardly. "They said we'd be having a return, but I had no idea it was you. Oh let me get you your schedule!" She rustled through her things and produced a piece of paper with my name on it. "Your father insisted we either place you in a class with Ned or MJ. Each of your classes as either one or both of them." I thanked her and left the room, heading for fourth period.

I knocked on the door and I was let in a moment later. "And you are?" The teacher asked annoyed. "Peter Stark Ma'am." She smiled, pleased by my manners. "Mr. Stark-Rogers! Have a seat by MJ. Welcome to Dual English." I scurried to go sit by my best friend, wincing at the thought of being referred to as a Rogers. I hate him. I sat down and pulled out a piece of paper to make notes on. MJ nudged me and I smiled awkwardly at her. I'm not used to being away from Wade. I tried to listen to the teacher, but I could only think of Flash and if he'd hurt me. I would have to use my strength. I couldn't let him hurt my son.

Class ended and I followed MJ out of class. We met up with Ned and the two of them crushed me in a tight hug. I had to resist the urge of pushing them away. I hated being hugged, unless it was Wade. "We missed you man! Are you okay?" Ned asked, his voice low. I nodded and rubbed my neck shyly. "It's been a long few months. But hey, I have news." I pulled the picture of my son out of my pocket and showed them. "Is that a sonogram?" I nodded and MJ stared at me, confused. "I thought you were gay?" I laughed, putting my hand up to my mouth to hide my giggles. "I am! I'm growing him." Her eyes widened and she put her hand on my stomach. "You're pregnant?" I nodded and she squealed.

"Well if it isn't Penis Parker!" I tensed and turned. Everyone stared at Flash and I. The day is almost over and I had no incidents. "Where were you huh? I was almost sure you had decided to join your aunt." I curled my fingers into a fist. "No answer? What if I did this-" He went to go throw a punch at my stomach and I caught his arm, stopping him from hitting my son. "Wanna try that again?" I asked, throwing his arm down. He stumbled and pursed his lips. "I saw that bullshit story on the news, of you missing. I figured you had stumbled into gay heaven, where all the fags go when life is too hard." He motioned to the exposed hickeys on my neck. He went to go throw another punch and I moved to the side, looking bored. He fell to his knees and a few kids snickered. "Oh Parker that's it." He went to go kick me and I pushed him away from me. "Flash I don't have time to deal with you today. I'm supposed to be home at a certain time." I turned to walk away and he ran after me. I grabbed his arm, pinning it behind his back and pulling his head against my chest with my other arm. "I could snap your neck in a second, so I suggest leaving me alone." I shoved him toward the lockers and continued my walk down the hallway.

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