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I came to and I heard Wade's light snoring from above me. I looked around and found Nat sitting with Dad. I carefully wiggled out from under Wade's arms and stood up. I felt bile rise in my throat and I made a dash for the bathroom. I pushed open the door and bent over the toilet, throwing up what I had eaten in the last day or so. I groaned and flushed the toilet. I stood up and gripped the sink, leaning forward to wash my mouth out. "Damn morning sickness." I looked at my stomach and poked at the flat skin. I left the bathroom and went back to the living room. Wade is now sitting up, Nat and Dad are watching me carefully. I sat next to Wade and he groggily kissed my shoulder and neck. "Morning?" He guessed and I nodded, feeling hungry.

"I need food." I stood up again, pulling him up with me. I walked us into the kitchen, ignoring the looks I got from the other patrons. The smell of bacon nearly made me vomit again. I turned and buried my face in Wade's chest. "Hey boys, you want some breakfast?" Clint asked and I heard Wade turn him down. "Is he still upset from last night?" I heard Pietro inquire. "No, he's just not feeling good. Up." He whispered the last part in my ear and I jumped, wrapping my legs around his hips. I laid my head on his shoulder while he carried my around like a koala bear. "What is Peter and Peter jr. thinking for breakfast?" He asked quietly and I shrugged. "Breakfast burritos?" I lifted my head, a small smile adorning my lips. He laughed and kissed my nose. "Burritos it is. I'm guessing no bacon?" I nodded and he set me down on the counter next to the stove. Scott and Sam kept staring at me and I started to squirm. Pietro watched the interaction and grinned, taking his coffee and 'accidentally' knocking it into Sam's and then Scott's lap. "Whoops." I snickered and covered my smile behind my hand. "Piet!" The two groaned and stood up, their pants soaked. They left the kitchen and Pietro winked at me, making me laugh again.

Wade hummed quietly, making eggs and potatoes. I heard crutches hit the floor and I sat up straighter. Dad entered the kitchen and hobbled to the bar. "Hey Dad." He grinned at me and I looked closer at his face. "C'mere." He grabbed his crutches and hobbled in front of me. I touched one of the cuts lightly and he winced. "Kid what're you doing?" I closed my eyes and willed for the warmth to spread from my palm to my fingers. I opened my eyes again and watched as his skin closed into an angry pink scar. I touched various parts of his face, neck, arms, and chest to heal the painful injuries. "I'm not strong enough to do your legs." I whispered and he watched me in awe. He had scars in the places he was hurt, but he was okay and he looked less in pain. "How did you...?" "Experiments." I answered and his eyes softened. "Thank you Pete." I nodded and pulled him into my arms. He hugged me tightly and I felt like I was going to be okay.

I sat down at the bar, my mouth half full with food. Dad watched me eat silently, a content smile on his face. "How's the little one?" He finally asked and I swallowed, grinning. "He's good, I can hear and feel his heartbeat, it's pretty neat." I beamed and Wade laughed quietly from next to me. I took another bite and turned my head when I heard footsteps. Steve and Bucky entered the kitchen and I stood up, blocking Dad from view. I crossed my arms and both men eyed me before moving into the kitchen. "Assholes." I muttered and Dad choked on his coffee. "Pete I'm okay." I looked back at him and his smile assured me that he's telling the truth. "I know, but that doesn't mean what they did was okay. I don't know what I would've done had they actually killed you. Those suits make you Iron Man, but you take those suits off and you're Dad. If I lost you..." I shook my head and sat back down. "I love you kid." "I love you too Dad." I finished eating and went into the kitchen, hoping to clean up a bit. I frowned when I saw how close Bucky and Steve were. Even if Steve had beat the shit out of Dad, they're still legally married. I shuddered at the thought. I put Wade and I's plate in the sink and quietly washed them off.

"Babe! Cho wants to see-" Wade cut himself off at the sight of the two supersoliders. I turned and crossed my arms. Wade moved closer to me, put his head on my shoulder. He made it look like we're hugging, "Cho wants a check up on the baby. Maybe even get a picture." I grinned and pulled away. I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. He pulled back and saw the excitement in my face. "I want to see him." I whispered and Wade grinned, his tongue sticking out lightly. "Then come on, Cho has to go home soon." We pulled apart and I grabbed his hand. I dragged him down the hall, giggling excitedly. "Where are you going?" Dad called and I peeked around the corner. "Check up!" He got the idea and gave me a thumbs up. Wade pulled me to the med bay. We went through the doors and Cho smiled at us. "Alright Pete, lay back on the bed."

She squirted some blue gel on my stomach and rubbed it in. "This just helps the picture be clearer. I won't always be here for these checkups, but your dad can always do it. And if Bruce ever comes back."

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