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He fell asleep on the floor of the bathroom. I hate seeing him like this. So broken and hurt. I let go of him and the grips on my hoodie loosened. I picked him up and walked us out of the bathroom. Tony watched us worriedly and the rest watched us cautiously. I could understand why. Tony knew Peter is expecting and that he was bound to violent break downs. No one else knew that, well except Nat. I could tell she was worried for the baby, she kept staring at his stomach when he started sparking.

I set him on the couch and covered him with a blanket. I rubbed a hand over my face and wiped away the last of my tears. I hate the bastards that did this to him. "Wade you said "think of our son,"?" I looked at my boyfriend and watched all the pain relax into peace. "Yeah, yeah I did." I stuffed my hands in my hoodie and pulled out the sonogram. "He's about 6 weeks now." I passed the picture to Nat and she gasped quietly. "He said the baby wasn't yours but I didn't think that he had been..." Her voice cracked and I put my head down. "Right before the surgery, Cho told us that Peter had a miscarriage about a week before we found him. He broke down, he asked for us to hold a funeral because he couldn't bare knowing the little guy was murdered because of his neglect. During the surgery, Cho found a fetus about 3 weeks along. He begged her not to take him out. It took Pete about 2 weeks before he could talk about how he was impregnated. I knew he had been assaulted, more than once, but the violent nature of this attack was more than he could handle. He told me he was scared of being alone and having a melt down because he didn't know what he would do. He loves him, but he also knows that he's a result of a very violent sexual act."

Everyone was silent. " and him have relations all the time?" Sam brought up and I looked at the sleeping boy on the couch. I sat on the arm of the couch and Pete reached up, grabbing the bottom of my hoodie. "I wasn't planning on doing stuff with him until he was ready, but he also knows when he's ready or not. I make sure he's safe and comfortable and that if he freaks out, it's okay. We have a really complicated dynamic. The only way he stayed sane was because he knew that if he couldn't make it out in your lifetime, he'd still be able to see me. He can't die and neither can I. He's not okay. I'm not sure when he will be, but what he decides to do is all on him with some talk from me." He shuffled and mumbled something. "What exactly did that attack entail?" Nat whispered and I shut my eyes. "He wouldn't go fully in detail. And I won't tell anyone but Tony and Nat." The two gave pointed looks to everyone. "But I'm also his father!" Steve protested and Tony looked to me. "He doesn't view as one. You lost that chance when you abused his dad." Steve looked dejected and Bucky dragged him off somewhere. Nat and Tony went to go sit on the couch closest to Pete. I sat on the coffee table in front of them and lowered my voice.

"He had just been beaten, horribly. He said they threw chemicals on him and beat him with an electrified whip. That's why he doesn't walk around with shorts on and he changes in only places he knows he's safe. He has whip marks and electrocution signs. Because of the chemical they used, he couldn't heal them and had to wait for them to heal on their own. They dragged him out of the room, he described it as a torture chamber. A place they killed many. He was brought to a show room, where he was stripped and tossed around like a rag doll. He remembers someone asking for a bidding price." I hung my head, hating this part. "Bidding for what?" "They were selling him for sexual acts. The person with the highest bid got to do whatever they wanted with him. Everyone knew he couldn't really die, so if he was returned not breathing than it'd be okay. That's why it was so violent. These people didn't hold back." I whispered and Tony sucked in a breath. "The person who got him, strapped him to a bed, poured chemicals on him, cut words into his skin, experimented, and beat him. And the whole time, Peter was forced to watch videos of you guys on the news. He was told that we would never come back for him and that he was stuck with them until the day the earth exploded. And to make it all worse, his torture and rape was livestreamed."

I looked back at Peter and saw him shift and cradle his stomach in his sleep. "I had no idea." Nat whispered and I faced her with a frown. "No one did, he wanted to show you guys that he's okay and he's recovering. He has gotten a lot better from when he first got back. He had refused to sleep in a bed and I had to coax him into sleeping if I promised to keep an eye on him. I didn't sleep once in the three days he spent in the medical wing. He wouldn't eat and I had to make sure his IV was getting him nutrients. The first time he willingly ate was when we were with the X-Men. He willingly showered then too." I blinked back tears and reached my hand up to wipe them away. "I wanted to shave his head to see if he had any cuts on his scalp. He nearly jumped with joy when I suggested it. When I finished he cried, he spoke for the first time since he had gotten back. Later he told me it was because he could still feel the people run their hands through his hair and tug on it when they felt pleasure. He couldn't stand it and when I offered to shave his head, he wanted nothing more than to jump up and kiss me." Tony wiped his eyes and I put my head in my hands.

"For someone his age, he should have never had to deal with so much trauma." Nat muttered and I hummed in agreement. "When Vanessa died, I tried and tried to find ways to end my life. I wanted to be with her. Then I had to save some kid from dooming the world in the future. I came back to New York, to hopefully continue the life I had with her with someone new. I remembered the kid who saved my ass when a job went bad. He had to be like 14 at that time..."

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