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Wade and I snuck back into the compound at around 3 AM. As soon as I shut my door, Wade pulled me onto the bed and I giggled, landing next to him. I pulled off my shirt and sweats, tossing them somewhere in the room. Wade did the same and he pulled me into his smooth chest. "I can't believe it worked." He whispered, running his hand through my hair. It's almost the same length I had it before I was kidnapped. "You're so handsome." I muttered tiredly. I bit back a yawn and I pressed my lips to his chest. "Go to sleep beautiful." He buried his face in my hair and I sighed, closing my eyes. "I love you." The darkness closed in on me, "I love you both more than anything."

I woke up to an alarm ringing through the room. I sat up, my heart in my throat and my mind racing. "Friday turn it off!" Wade shouted and he pulled me into a tight embrace. My chest grew tight and tears fell down my cheeks. Wade rocked me back and forth. "Baby you're safe. You're home." I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on my chest, trying to ease the tightening. "Name 5 things you can see." "You, the bed, the floor, the ceiling and the walls." I gasped and Wade pressed a kiss to my forehead. "4 things you can taste." "Blood, tears, morning breath and you." "3 things you can touch." Me, you, the bed." "2 things you can hear." "You, our son's heartbeat." "1 thing you can smell." I looked at Wade and put my head on his shoulder. "Home." He kissed my ear and I breathed deeply. "Are you okay?" I nodded and he carefully picked me up, setting me on the floor. "Get dressed and we can go eat." He told me softly, kissing my cheek. I nodded and slowly got ready.

My mind felt fuzzy. I already felt like today was going to be a bad day. I slid a shirt over my head and bent down to cuff my jeans. I tied shoes onto my feet and left the room, stumbling down the hall toward the kitchen. I sat down at the bar and shoved my head in my arms. I heard footsteps and based on the footfalls I knew it is Wade. "Alright who set an alarm to go off in our room?" I heard someone snicker and my breath shook when I breathed in deeply. "What the fuck is wrong with you? He thought he was back at Hydra!" Someone smacked someone and I lifted my head, tears building in my eyes. "W-Wade." My boyfriend turned and his eyes softened. He pulled me into a hug and I broke down against his chest. "Pete it's okay." I shook my head. "I don't want to hurt anymore!" I shouted and pulled away. Wade watched in concern as I jumped down from the chair. "When is anything going to go right for me?" I yelled. I felt someone come up behind me and I turned, punching said person hard in the gut. "Fuck!" The person yelled and I fell to my knees, putting my head in my hands. "Sam!" So that's who I punched. Wade pulled me up and he set me on the counter. "I just want to be okay. I want to be able to hug someone without feeling like they're going to electrocute me. I want to be able to look at someone and feel like they won't hurt me. I want to have kids on my own terms! Not on the terms of some sick bastard who thought a broken trans kid looked appealing!" I shouted and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Who is yelling?" Dad hobbled into the kitchen, looking very exhausted. "Peter broke down, started shouting and Sam snuck up behind him. Peter turned and socked him in the stomach and went back to shouting." Scott summed up. Dad sighed rubbed the bridge of his broken nose. "Can't we just have one day without someone fighting?" My shoulders fell and I felt tears drip on my legs through the holes in my jeans. "I can't stand this." I whispered and Wade looked at me. His eyes softened and he took slow steps toward me. I gripped my hair and squeezed my eyes shut. "What's wrong with him?" Someone asked and I sobbed, putting my face in my knees. "Will someone send him to his fucking room? If I hear one more snarky comment out of his mouth, I will put a bounty out on his head." Wade threatened and Scott scoffed. "You don't scare me." I whimpered and put my hand over my ears. "You fucking should be. Want to know what I do for a living? I kill people who get on my nerves. Want to be on that list?" "Will you two just shut the fuck up?" Dad snapped and I looked up, wiping the tears from my eyes.

I hopped off the counter, stumbling and nearly falling over. Wade went to go grab me but I pushed him away. His face twisted into pain and I felt tears build again. "B-Baby?" He shook his head and I felt like I had been pushed in the puddle of electrified water. "What's happening? Are those sparks?" I ran into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it. "Pete come on, open the door." The doorknob jiggled and I put my head back. "Peter! You have to calm down! I know you hate that that sick man did this to you, but think of our son. Please for the love of God calm down. If you die, he dies and I don't know what I would do." Wade's voice cracked and I pushed away from the door. "Baby?" He twisted the doorknob and the knob unlocked. He pushed the door open and he slid to his knees in front of me. "Hey we're okay." He hesitantly touched my shoulder and winced when I shocked him. "I'm sorry." I sobbed and Wade pulled me to him. He laid back on the bathroom floor, me in his arms. "It's okay. No one is hurt. You're allowed to freak out." I relaxed in his arms and my body immediately felt tired. "I'm not gonna be good dad am I?" Wade turned me to face him and he smiled sadly. "Whether this baby is born out of some sick crime or from a loving relationship, you're going to love and nurture him. Because I know you, you hate what he did, you hate that he promised no more and then turned a blind eye. This baby is a product of a sick dark crime, but you love him. If you didn't, you'd ask Cho to take it out. You wouldn't eat, you wouldn't protect him and you sure as hell wouldn't listen for his heartbeat in times of crisis. So don't sit there and say you'd hate him and you'd be a bad father. Because you could never, and you know you can't."

I cradled my stomach and bit through my lip. "I'm afraid." I whispered and Wade put his hand on my face, holding me from moving. "I know you are. We both are. But that can't be the reason we neglect our kid." He whispered back and I nodded, gripping fistfuls of his hoodie. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just freaked out." I muttered and Wade sighed, kissing the top of my head. "I'm not mad, I just didn't expect it. Are you going to apologize to Sam?" I shook my head and he chuckled. "Do you want to stay home today?" My eyes drooped and I nodded, a yawn slipping out of my mouth. "I don't want you to leave me." Wade pulled me closer, "I would never."

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