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The water turned off and I held my breath. I shut my eyes, the answers to my questions swirling in my head. I'll kill them. How dare they hurt my Peter.

I tugged the boxers on my body and opened the door to the bathroom. Wade stepped in and eyed me with wide eyes. "Holy shit." He whispered. I pulled open the cabinet to my left, revealing the stashed medical supplies I kept before I was taken. I pulled out bandages, alcohol, needles and thread. "Should I get Tin Can?" Wade mumbled and I shook my head. Wade jumped on the counter and I stood in front of the mirror, examining the damage to it's full extent. I heard Wade sniffle and I looked at him, my eyes wide slightly. "I-I'm sorry. I should've looked harder." My eyes softened and I stepped in front of him. I put my hands on his face and smiled softly. " c-c-could-dn't h-h-he-hel-lped." I stuttered out. Wade's eyes glistened with tears and I gently wiped them away. "How did they get you?" I looked down. "Ce-ceme-cemetary." Wade grabbed my waist softly and rubbed his thumbs in circles on my bare skin. "We'll get through this Pete." I looked up again and my mouth curled into a soft smile. "To-to-toge-gether." Wade nodded and leaned forward hesitantly. I recognized he wanted to kiss me and despite the many months of being forcefully kissed, I leaned up to kiss him.

Wade sat with me while I tended to my wounds. "They burnt you?" I nodded as he touched a chemical burn scar on my hip. I couldn't form full sentences, so Wade gave me his phone to take notes in.

They would burn me with calcium bicarbonate any time I did something out of line, though that was the less tortuous.

Wade frowned and put his hand over mine. I had rested it on the counter so I could tend to a cut on my hairline. "Maybe we should cut your hair, see it there is any more damage?" I looked at Wade through the mirror and back at myself. I could still feel all the hands that would tug and pull at my hair when their pleasure was too great. I shuddered before looking at Wade again, nodding in agreement. Wade jumped off the counter and patted the spot, silently asking me to take his place. I stepped away from the mirror and hoisted myself up on the counter. Wade grabbed a pair of hair clippers and he set it up. "You sure?" I nodded quickly and put my head down when he switched the clippers on.
He put the clippers against my head and in seconds, the feeling of the hands went away.

After about 10 minutes, my head is shaved and my Wade rubbed a towel over my head to get all the left over hair off. He stepped back and I put my hand in my buzzed hair. "Better?" I looked him and felt the tears start to build. "Pete?" I shook my head and reached out for him. He stepped over to me and pulled me into a hug. "T-Th-Tha-ank y-y-yo-you." He rubbed his fingers up and down my back, stopping and going over places that were still healing. Wade stepped back and wiped away the fallen tears. "Let's finish up and take a nap." I nodded hesitantly and pushed myself off the counter. I reached for the needle and a piece of thread. I pushed the thread through and put the needle to my skin. I quickly pushed the needle into my skin and began stitching up the several stab wounds or gunshots that have yet to heal.

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