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I woke the next morning, Wade wrapped around me. I could tell he's awake based on his breathing. "It's quiet." He muttered and I nodded in agreement. "It's odd not hearing the constant bickering...I think Clint is enjoying the fact that Sam isn't bugging him." I could hear Clint snoring on the other side of the hall. I wondered where Pietro was, he hasn't been home for a few days.

"Come on, I bet Tony is gonna you wake up for the press conference soon anyway." He tapped my leg and slid out of the bed. "What do you want for breakfast?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "C'mere." I mumbled and Wade smiled softly, doing as I wanted. I pressed my face to his chest and he ran his hands down my back. "I love you." I whispered groggily. "I love you too." He slid back and pulled me to my feet. He put a hand on my stomach and a small gap left his mouth. "Is he showing you a picture?" I asked and Wade nodded, his eyes glassed over. "I think he's trying to show me what love feels like. What he think love feels like." He muttered and I smiled. He took his hand back and blinked, his eyes returning to normal.

Wade left and I hopped into the shower, the lack of fear not even fazing me. It felt normal to me, a thing I would do before the kidnapping. It wasn't until I got out that I had realized what I did. "Holy shit." I put my hand over my mouth and felt the tears build up. I wiped them away and went to go get dressed. I put on a pair of nice jeans and a science shirt. I put the ring on my finger and brushed a hand through my hair.

I walked into the kitchen and straight towards Wade. He turned when he heard someone enter the kitchen and he grinned. "Hey Pete." I grabbed the cup from his hand and set it on the counter. "What are you doing?" He questioned and I smiled. "I showered...all alone." His confusion slipped away and a proud look replaced it. "Seriously? Pete that's amazing!" I nodded and he hugged me tightly. "I just got in the shower like it was something I never feared." I whispered and Wade kissed my head. "I think after that press conference, you and I can go on a date." I pulled away and grinned. "I would like that...should we..I don't know...go visit baby stores?" His eyes lit up and I giggled.

I rubbed my hands nervously on my pants. Wade rubbed my back and I felt nauseous. I opted to wear a big hoodie to hide the baby bump. I wanted no possibility of my son being out in the world, not now. Dad rushed off the side of the stage and the crowd exploded into chatter. "Settle down! I called this press conference to discuss my son's whereabouts." The crowd grew quiet and I stood up. I went out to the podium and Wade stood off to the side by Dad. They talked quietly and I focused on the crowd. "My name is Peter Stark and I was kidnapped by the organization known as Hydra." A collective gasp went through the crowd and I held the stoic look on my face. "In the course of 8 months, I was tortured and experimented on. Nothing has come from the experiments and it only left me with scars. My kidnappers have been apprehended and are being held in a remote place."

Someone stood up and held a recorder to their mouth. "You called yourself Stark, what happened to Mr. Rogers?" I looked at Dad and he gave me a slight nod. "Following the fight in Berlin, the ones who signed the accords are now owned by the government, and the ones who did not sign the accords are retired. Steve Rogers and my father have decided to get a divorce following the wrongful hiding of a death that the Winter Solider has caused. I am legally Tony Stark's kid." I stated, my grip on the podium loosened. Another reporter stood up and I looked at them. "Following your sudden adoption and then sudden disappearance, Spider-Man has also followed the same pattern of appearance. Do you think his missing has any correlation to you?" I shook my head, keeping my emotions in check. "Spider-Man has worked closely with my father, but I don't know enough to tell you his plan of action. I'm sorry to disappoint." The reporter gave me a smile and sat down. I felt a ripple of nausea rip through my stomach and I stepped back from the podium. Wade stepped forward and I made a hand motion of my sickness. Dad rushed forward and addressed the crowd. "There will be no more questions, Peter is still recovering and what has happened is no one's fault but the sick men who took him." Wade rushed me off stage and I bolted to the bathroom. I got there in time to vomit in the trashcan just inside the door. Wade followed me in and rubbed my back.

I washed my mouth out and sighed as I gripped the sink. The door swung open and Dad walked in with a small proud smile. "You did great kid. Everyone took the divorce better than I expected, and there's no more questions to your name." I smiled and stood up straighter, my back popping. "Can Wade and I go on a date?" Dad hesitated and I gave him puppy eyes. "We just want to look at baby stuff and get food." Wade told him and Dad sighed before waving us off. "Be home by 7. And if anything goes down, I want to know about it." I nodded and we left the bathroom, waiting until we got outside before we held hands.

We entered a baby store and I stripped off my hoodie. The cashier eyed Wade and I cautiously and Wade draped his arm over my shoulders. "Okay, so seriously...I think we should get a floor to ourselves." Wade started to laugh and I hit his arm lightly. "I'm serious! If we have that floor, I can set up a lab and a workspace, little Per-" I cut myself off and furrowed my eyebrows. "Who? Did you just name our baby?" I shrugged and Wade grabbed my face. "Percy." I muttered and his eyes brightened. "I love it." I chuckled and lightly pulled my face out of his grasp. "Well then we can have a little room that connects to our room, so that when Percy cries we can get to him easily."

"I love you so much Pete."

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