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I stared up at the ceiling, feeling the light tug on my skin when Cho moved. "Are you okay?" Wade whispered. I turned my head and smiled softly. "I can't feel anything." "We put a nervous system blocker in your spine." Cho told me and pulled out a thick sack. I recognized it immediately and I turned away, tears gathering. "Is that...?" I nodded and Wade reached out, grabbing my hand. "Wait, Tony!" Dad quickly walked to us and peered over Cho's shoulder. "Is that another one?" He went to go poke it and I tensed. "Peter what's wrong?" "Don't touch me." I snapped at Dad. He looked up and furrowed his eyebrows. "Peter appears to have a fetus growing. This one seems to be new...3 weeks along." Wade's eyes widened and I squeezed his hand. "Please don't take it out." I begged, my throat closing with fear. Cho and Dad looked at each other before Dad nodded.

Peter fell asleep and Cho began to stitch up his stomach and chest. "Will he be okay?" I whispered. Cho stopped and took a long look at him. "He will be, he's going to have flashbacks, he's going to get upset and scared, and he's going to need you. Out of everyone here, he trusts you the most. He loves you." I grabbed my boyfriend's hand and squeezed it lightly. He muttered something in his sleep and I heard him sigh softly. Tony took a seat next to me and he huffed tiredly. "I wish we could've found him sooner. He doesn't even want to hug me. He trusts you more than me." His voice sounded broken and I sighed. "He's been through a lot. He's still scared of me. I sat outside the door while he showered, he told me that they used to pour Calcium bicarbonate in the cold water." Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "That shouldn't have hurt him." "His cells reject it. Those nasty chemical burns are results of that. He was sexually assaulted more than twice a day and now he has a baby as a result of that. He died so many times, he doesn't even know the number anymore. He was shot, stabbed, experimented on, electrocuted, and the list goes on. Don't expect him to warm up to everyone so quick."

I must've dosed off in the bed because when I came back, my stomach and chest are stitched back up. I went to go roll toward Wade, but I rolled into a chest instead. "Hey." The person said and I turned my head up slightly. Wade smiled softly and ran a hand through my buzzed hair. I hummed and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling. "How are you feeling?" I sighed and cuddled closer to the body. I've never felt safer. "Sore. How is he?" "He?" I opened my eyes and turned my head to look up at him. "I feel like the baby is a he." Wade's mouth turned up into a grin. "Well he is okay, Cho said he's very healthy and that despite the stress of his sibling dying, your body slowly shutting down and the constant abuse, he is thriving." I grinned, the smile foreign on my face. "Great. I want to be able to take care of him. I want to get better." Wade put a hand on my thigh, rubbing circles into the skin. "And we will get you there. You've already started talking again." "Its you. I feel safe with you. I know you wouldn't hurt me and I think its because the kid has gotten attached." Wade chuckled. "I'll help you and this kid as much as I can."

Wade and I stayed in bed for a good 2 days. Cho checked in on us and Pietro brought us food every once and awhile. "What do you think is going on?" Wade looked up from his phone and his face paled slightly. "I wasn't supposed to say anything...the attack in Berlin, Bucky did it." I shook my head and sighed. "No the guy who kidnapped me did it. I'm not saying Bucky is innocent, but he didn't do that." Wade huffed and texted someone. "Nat says Steve, Sam, and Bucky are under investigation. There's a new guy in a cat suit. Tony is pissed, everyone is taking sides." I frowned and put a hand on my stomach. "There's going to be a civil war." I muttered and Wade nodded in agreement. "A man named Zemo is now in custody." I froze, my entire body screaming for help. "Custody? Is he coming here?" Wade must've notice my strange voice because he looked up. "Yeah? Why? Who is he?" I looked down at my hands. "The man who kidnapped me. He's the leader, he killed my aunt trying to get to me." Wade sucked in a breath and I heard him dial a number. "Hey Tony, do not let Zemo anywhere near Peter. Yes that's him. Okay thank you." He set the phone down and he climbed into the bed with me. "I have an idea. I'll call Nat, let her know you're staying with me and we take a vacation. Just the two of us." I looked at Wade skeptically. "Shouldn't we be worrying about the war between my parents?" Wade chuckled and grabbed my shoulders lightly. "I'm sure they'll be fine. Plus I think with everything going on, you don't need to see superheroes. I think you need to be good ole 16 year old Peter Parker. Sound good?" My face split into a smile and I nodded. "Awesome, let's go pack and I'll call Nat."

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