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I finished and set down the needle. Wade handed me a tissue and I wiped away the blood. "Mr. Parker." I tensed, hating that name with a passion. "Yes Friday?" Wade answered for me, putting his hand on my back. "Tony Stark has requested the presence of Mr. Parker in the med bay." I looked at Wade and he smiled softly. "They just want to do a check up, I'll be with you the whole time." I nodded and he grabbed my hand. "Here." He handed me a pair of sweats, which I gladly slipped over my scarred and bruised legs. "Now come on." I let him again lead me to another room, my eyes scanning for any danger. We got to the med bay and Wade pulled me through the sliding doors. "Hey Pete, wha-" Dad turned and his jaw dropped. "Tony." Wade warned and the man looked away quickly. "We just need to do a check up, check for internal damage." I looked at Wade and pointed at my chest. "Heart or lungs?" I held up 2 fingers. "Damaged? Impaled?" I held 2 fingers again. "With?" I shrugged and he put a hand on my bare chest. "Impaled with a shattered rib. You can feel the place where the rib healed into his lung." Wade looked back at Dad and I watched him go wide eyed. "Pete we're going to have to do surgery. You're metabolism will burn right through the medicine." I frowned and looked at Wade with pleading eyes. "I'll be right here the whole time." He promised.

They prepped me for surgery, Dad had Dr. Cho fly in. "Okay Peter, we're going to do an Xray and see if there is any more damage." She lifted the machine and put it over my body. I stayed still, my body tensed and I felt like I was suffocating. "Relax Peter." I didn't listen and the Xray ended a few moments later. I pulled a hand up and wiped my eyes, wiping away the tears threatening to fall. The confined space scared me, I can't handle things on top of me or closing me into a box. "Peter breathe." Wade came closer to me and I rolled over, my heart in my throat. Wade sighed and got in the bed with me, he sat next to my curled up body. "Baby look at me." He whispered. I turned and his eyes softened. "Hey it's okay. I know, it's hard. We're gonna get through this and you're going to be okay." He put a hand on my waist and his thumb rubbed circles into my skin. "T-Th-Tha-ank y-y-yo-you." I muttered and he smiled. "Anytime Love." "Wade we need you to step out." Dr. Cho came up to the bed. My eyes widened and I grabbed Wade's hand, tears welling up. "I can't. He'll break down." Wade looked up at Cho and she bit her lip. "What you hear will likely upset you, he's internally messed up, really bad." Wade looked at me and his eyes hardened slightly. "I'll stay. Whatever is wrong, I can do it."

"We need to break his rib and reset it, his lungs need to have at least 12 stitches each, he uh..." She trailed off and looked down at the floor. "Peter you had a miscarriage about a week ago." My eyes widened and I put my hands on my flat stomach. Tears welled up and splashed onto my cheeks. A sob fell passed my lips and I buried my head into the bed. I had a baby. A baby that was killed. "Cho can you give us a moment?" Wade whispered and I heard the door close a few moments later. "Peter baby." I lifted my head and looked at him, his eyes soft and worried. "A baby Wade." I whispered, my voice not skipping once. "I know Pete." My lip trembled and I put my head in my hands. "How did I not know? I should've felt it." My voice cracked and I took a deep breath. "Peter your body was under stress, you were abused and raped. This baby, had we not found you, would've died any." I sighed and looked up, wiping my eyes. "Can we...I don't know...have a funeral? I know it's stupid but I can't help feeling heartbroken." Wade nodded and grabbed my face lightly. "One day, when you're ready, we can have a kid. Whether it comes from your body or not. We're immortal Pete, we can have as many kids as we want." I sniffled, "Promise?" Wade smiled and leaned forward, our lips almost touching. "Promise." I leaned in, kissing him lightly. "I'll go get Cho." Wade stood up and walked to the door.

"Tony there's something in his neck." I was all prepped for surgery, Pops and Clint are in the room, standing off to the side, Wade is right next to me. "What is it?" Dad stepped away from me and looked at the Xray results. I propped myself up on my elbows. "The power dampener." I looked at Wade and he sighed. "They must've put it in your neck as a control method. Is it on?" I shook my head. "I can still feel everything times 11. But can you take it out?" I looked at Cho and she hesitated. "It's connected to your nervous system. It'll hurt, a lot." I smiled tiredly. "Nothing worse than what I've dealt with for 4 months." They grew quiet and I looked around. "What?" "Pete it has not been 4 months, you've been gone 8." My eyes widened. "W-What?" I stammered, my hands gripping the bed sheets. "Pete calm down." Wade put his hands on my chest, holding me from getting up. "Guys can you please?" Wade begged and the four adults left the room. I broke down, collapsing against the bed. "Pete you need to calm down, you'll send your heart into overdrive." I pulled Wade into me and he held me while I cried. "How long was it for you to find me the first time?" Wade rubbed my shoulders and I leaned into him. "2 months." I choked on a sob again and he tightened his grip on me. "Baby it's okay. We're okay. You're okay." He pressed a kiss to my head and I took a deep breath. "Can everyone come back in?" I nodded and he pulled away from me. He let everyone back in and came back to me. "Pete are you sure?" Dad asked, his eyes worried and fearful. I looked at Wade, "If it means I can heal, then yes."

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