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We had to wait to get approval from Nat before we could leave. We laid in my bed, me half asleep and in Wade's arms. Wade is snuggling me, his face in my neck and occasionally he kissed the same spots other people would kiss, but it felt different with him. It felt safe and harmless, not malicious and harmful. I put a hand on my stomach and lightly traced shapes with my fingers. "Hey Nat, he said yes? Awesome! Yeah he and I will be gone for a week or 2. If there is an issue, let me know won't you? Thank you!" Wade hung up and pressed several kisses to my shoulder and neck. I had been shirtless because the stitches on my stomach were getting caught on the fibers of the shirt. I sat up and blinked the tiredness from my eyes. "Want to wear my hoodie?" Wade held out his sweatshirt and I gladly took it. "I will never pass down the offer." He chuckled and pulled me to my feet, steadying me so that I didn't fall. I slid the material over my head and positioned it so that it wouldn't pull at the stitches. "Ready?" Wade asked, picking up our travel bags. Nervousness exploded in my stomach. I had to remind myself it's okay and that I was with Wade. "Yeah." He took my hand and we exited my room. I heard some people talking and I tilted my head, trying to get a clearer sound. "...Clint I can't be stuck here anymore! It's not fair to me!" Uh oh, paradise in jeopardy. Wade pulled me away from the rest of that fight. "Come on, we'll be late for the jet." He muttered and I stumbled along beside him.

I looked down at the sleeping boy in my lap. My heart swelled and I wondered how he did it. How he still managed to be this close to me after all that happened. I took a deep breath and ran a hand over his buzzed hair. As much as I loved his hair, I know it must've been painful to have it. I could see the discomfort before I cut it and the relief when I did cut it. I looked out the window of the jet and smiled at all the trees. A big house came into view and I grinned. I think he'll love it here.

I fell asleep on the jet and Wade woke me up when he got to wherever we were going. "Wade where are we?" I looked out at the endless trees and the big house. "We are in..." He trailed off and I turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "You do know where we are, right?" Wade blinked and smiled. "Yeah, you just look really cute." I chuckled and pulled myself up to hug him. "We're in Canada. I thought maybe you'd want to meet some family, see how I got my powers-" I looked at him oddly. "Love I already know how you got your powers." Wade looked down. "I know you know, I just thought you'd like to see the better part of it. Not the whole dying from cancer, dried avocado part of it." I breathed out a laugh and put my hand on his chin, lifting his face to look at me. "I'd love to see where you came from. I'm guessing this house belongs to whoever your family is?" Wade grinned and nodded excitedly. "Yeah! Come on, they don't know I came, so this should be fun." I laughed and he dragged me off the jet with our bags in hand. "I think we have to move up here, it's so beautiful." I marveled at the beautiful scenery. "You really think so? God I'd love to raise a family up here." We walked hand-in-hand up to the door. "Just a reminder, these people are mutants and may act different from what you're used to." "I think different, right now, is what I need."

Wade rang the doorbell and a musical note echoed in the house. I heard a faint "who's there!" from someone on the otherside. "It's Deadpool! With a friend." He looked down at me and I smiled small, my free hand resting on my still flat stomach. I like to know the baby is in there. I can feel the heartbeat through my skin and it makes me happy. The door clicked unlocked and a giant metal man came into view. "Wade!" My boyfriend smiled and dragged me into the house. "Wait wait wait! Who's this and why are you here?" The metal man demanded. "Colussus, this is Peter. He's my boyfriend. We are here on vacation, Peter's parents are currently engaged in a war." The metal man, Colussus, blinked before sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose. Wade gripped my hand and I stepped closer to him. "I guess that's fine. Peter...Is this the same Peter the Avengers were telling us to be on the look out for?" I looked down and at my shoes. "This is he, he was in an accident and had been MIA for a little while." Wade rubbed his thumb over my knuckles and I breathed in deeply, feeling the stitches in my chest tug a bit. I think I might need them taken out soon, though I could do that myself. "Very well, Wade you know where your room is, keep an eye out for War. She's been a bit moody since you left." Wade chuckled and turned us to go to his room. "That went better than I thought." He whispered and I blew a nervous breath out of my nose. "You could've warned me one was Russian and metal!" I quietly yelled and Wade frowned. "Sorry Pete, I didn't really think about the Russian part. Are you going to be okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes for a moment. "I will be, I just need to get used to it. As long as he doesn't try and do tests on me, we'll be a-okay."

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