2: The Wish

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"Damn, that really hit the spot," B/f says as she pats her stomach, satisfied and full. "How'd I get so lucky to acquire such a beautiful goddess as a best friend who spoils me with delicious food and entertainment?"

"I mean, I practically claimed you when we first met. I didn't have any friends or anybody close to me so to have at least one person who tolerated me was something I couldn't let get away!" You say in a joking manner, but it really was nothing to joke about. B/f took you in when she realized you had nobody and nowhere to go, but you could also say you did the same thing for her. B/f is the only one to know your full story and not judge you for it. You are forever grateful to have someone so dependable in your life.

"It feels like just yesterday when we realized we were an inseparable duo! Y/n and B/f take on the world," B/f says cheerfully. She always knew how to make you feel better. B/f then stands up and walks towards the window. "Hey, do you wanna go up to the roof? The stars look beautiful tonight, and we'd get a good view from up there. We can even bring the blankets and just talk out there as usual."

"Oh, how romantic! You know if you want me to swoon over you, you gotta tell me the words I wanna hear. Go on, say it..." You didn't really have feelings for B/f, but it was always fun to tease her. You gotta work on your game though because she always had the best and funniest comebacks.

"The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that-"

"What the hell? Not those words!" You both begin to laugh and wheeze.

'Geez, the both of us really need to calm down. Maybe going outside and getting fresh air was a good idea after all.'

"I'll go grab the blankets and head up to the roof."

"Sounds like a plan."

You do as you say, and with the blankets in one hand and snacks in the other, you carefully exit the window of the room to meet B/f on the rooftop. You both get comfortable sitting side by side, gazing upwards at the stars, wrapped in thick fluffy blankets, talking about random crap people usually talk about at 2 am, simply enjoying the atmosphere of each other's company as you gaze at the view in front of you. And of course, B/f was right, the view from up there was beautiful. But then again, B/f was ever hardly wrong.


The two of you had been up on the roof for a couple of hours since taking a break from the TV and after going through the same usual topics of conversation, the new topics began to vary...

"No, but really, I think getting an egg inside of there would be more difficult if you didn't squat in position properly."

"My gosh, don't say it like that Y/n! If someone heard that sentence alone they'd get the wrong idea." B/f cringes at the thought of someone hearing that sentence out of context.

"Nobody else is here dummy! It's just us. But fine. Next question then! It's your turn B/f! And make it a challenge! Make it exciting!" You say anticipating whatever question she would throw at you.

"Hmm. Okay then." B/f had a mischievous grin plastered on her face.

'Oh crap, I've really done it now!'

"If you had to choose... who would you rather go out with on a single date with, Josuke or Kakyoin? I personally think that they're practically the same person, but we all have our own preferences."

This was it. This was the question that would forever have a chokehold on you. "Why? Why of all questions did you have to ask that one? This is where I meet my end. Choosing between my best bois. Kakyoin is so cute and friendly...but so is Josuke! And Josuke is so brave and intelligent...but so is Kakyoin! B/f you shall rue this day! Do you hear me? RUE IT!"

The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate (Jotaro x Reader x Kakyoin)Where stories live. Discover now