40: Anubis

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"Ah, young love! Just don't have any kids yet, I'm still too young to be a great grandfather," Joseph teases. You feel your soul leave your body and the blood rushing to your face.

"Mr. Joestar, leave them alone," Avdol says shaking his head. Joseph laughs and shrugs his shoulders like a kid.

"Hey, where's Polnareff?" Kakyoin asks out of the blue.

You gasp. 'Oh, shit...'

"Last we saw him he was going to spit out his gum," Jotaro says.

"Really? I wonder where that bozo ran off to this time," Joseph says taking a bite out of his food.

"Um, we should really go look for him now. He may or may not be in trouble," you say sweating profusely. You start speed walking in the direction you saw Polnareff go.

"Hey! Wait for us," Joseph says running after you. The rest of the group follows in hot pursuit.

'Holy hell. I got distracted by Jotaro... who knows if DIO decided to send more than one stand user again. Please, please, please be okay Polnareff!'

You start to run as you zoom through the crowd and eventually you run into Iggy. "Iggy! Where the heck did you go?" You ask him as he started to run alongside you.

"Food is important you know, and you guys were taking too long," he pants.

"Oh, sorry... Hey, can you try to sniff out Polnareff? We lost him a while ago and he might be in trouble," you say pushing yourself through the large of people.

"What do I look like? A hound dog?" Iggy huffs.

"Please?" You beg.

"Fiiine, I'll try to find him," he says quickly giving in to your request. Iggy starts running ahead of you and you follow his lead.

By now you lost the group, but finding Polnareff right now was the main priority since you didn't know if the enemy had the upper hand at all. The Wish Lady warned you about that after all...

You finally make it through the crowd of people and you're taken to a place with a lot of tall pillars and tourists taking pictures of the area.

'This looks like the place in the show.'

"Iggy, be careful. I know that you can handle yourself but-" You stop talking when you realize you're by yourself.

'Hmph. I'll have to talk to him later about sticking with the group.'

You bring out your stand and screen to look for any stand user-health meters, and you happen to find two close by, one of the meters kind of low. You rush towards the area and stop in your tracks when you find Polnareff on the ground, leaning against a pillar while holding his wounded arm.

"P-Polnareff!" You cry out. He looks up at you with tired eyes.

"Y/n? That you?" He asks while taking deep breaths. You run up to him and kneel down examining his cuts.

"Yeah, it's me," you say gently. He winces when you touch his arm, which had a very deep cut. He was bleeding out... a lot. "Leaf Shield," you command.

'Damn it. He wouldn't be this injured if I had paid attention...'

You heal his wounds and you watch his cuts close almost instantly, and he gets a boost of energy he had lost from fighting. You feel better once you see him as his regular self. Your stands screen pops up and you receive an important notification on your shield.

'Level up? Huh. I'll have to check that out later...'

"Hey, are you alright?" Polnareff asks you when he sees your face.

The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate (Jotaro x Reader x Kakyoin)Where stories live. Discover now