38: Oingo Boingo Brothers & Hol Horse

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You sigh once again and you take a deep breath, filling yourself with determination. You were so close to retrieving your best friend and it was gonna be hell for whoever was going to try and stop you from getting to them. If DIO is going to up the anty, then so were you.

'Watch out, you sick demented bastard. I'M coming for you...'

"What a sight to wake up to," Jotaro says from behind you.

You quickly whip yourself around and see Jotaro sitting up in bed with his arms behind his head, staring you down. You had been bending over the desk to write on the paper, and you hadn't taken into consideration Jotaro would wake up soon and you still weren't properly dressed. You blush and continue to stare at him not knowing what to say.

"Come here," he demands.

You're heart rate picks up, but you do as your told and walk towards the bed and stop when you reach his side of the bed. He grabs you and you're forced to sit on his lap. He kisses you passionately and then pulls away to see your face.

"You just woke up, what are you so energetic for?" You taunt. He doesn't respond, and instead, he kisses your neck. You gasp and you wrap your arms around his neck, enjoying the feel of lips. You're both interrupted by a knock at the door, and out of instinct, you hop out of his lap and hide behind the bed, expecting someone to walk in.

"Are you guys up? We're going to get breakfast and then leave," Joseph says from the other side of the door.

"Y-Yeah! We'll be right out," you shout at the closed door. Once you're sure nobody was coming in, you stand up and exhale loudly.

"Seems to me like you're energetic too," Jotaro says with a cocky smile. You stick your tongue out at him and go to the bathroom to get ready. After getting dressed and doing your morning routine, you walk back out and see Jotaro examining the paper you were writing.

"What's this?" He asks, holding it up.

"That's a list of the rest of our remaining enemies before DIO. Some of them being at the mansion he's at, but we still have to get through them before getting to DIO," you say walking next to him, also examining the list.

Jotaro hums in understanding and hands you the letter back, then goes to the bathroom to also get ready to leave. You continue looking over the list until you hear scratching at the door. You walk to the door and open it, and Iggy takes the opportunity to walk in and he hops on the bed.

"It smells the same in here," he says randomly.

"What are you talking about?" You ask confused as to what the heck the smell of the room had to do with anything.

'Maybe he's trying to smell out the enemy?'

"You two didn't mate?" Iggy asks bluntly. You gasp and your mouth hangs open at the shock of what he's just said.

"I-Iggy! Why would you think that?" You cover your face with your hands.

Jotaro walks out of the bathroom and spots Iggy on the bed. Iggy puts his head down and he scoots closer to you.

"The dogs back?"

"Yea, Iggy is back," you say, emphasizing his name so Jotaro would address him properly. He was apart of the team after all.

"What were you talking about? Your face is all red," Jotaro comments as he adjusts his jacket.

"N-Nothing! We were talking about leaving, let's go," you say putting the letter in your inventory. You grab Iggy and leave through the door, leaving Jotaro clueless.

The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate (Jotaro x Reader x Kakyoin)Where stories live. Discover now