44: D'Arby & Meili

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"You should rest too," I say, interrupting his thoughts. It would only make him angry to continue thinking about DIO, and that wouldn't do anybody good

"Yare, yare," Jotaro says pulling his hat down. "Go to sleep before I find you annoying." I hear a small "idiot" at the end of that sentence and I feel a pang of irritation.

"Guess you're not too different from the show after all," I mumble quietly. I let out a small huff and lean against the window seal, slowly falling asleep.

"Hey, wake up."

I slowly open my eyes, yawning as I stretch. I'm momentarily blinded by the sunlight since it was now daytime. We rode the train all night, and surprisingly my head didn't hurt from laying on the window. I groan and turn my head to see Kakyoin was trying to wake me.

"We just got to our stop," he says with a soft smile.

I sit up with another groan and look around the train. Everyone was looking at me. "What's wrong?" I ask in a tired state. I massage the nape of my neck and stretch out my legs in front of myself, while I  look at everyone.

"Why's your stand out?" Polnareff asks.

'What?!' I quickly wake up from any sleepiness that had remained with me and I turn to see Meili was out, my heart rate immediately picks up and I put my stand away. 'Shoot!'

"I, uh. I must have accidentally summoned him while I was asleep," I say convincingly and nonchalantly. The group seems to look relieved and I can see the relaxation set on their faces. I roll my eyes and sigh.

'Geez. What a reaction... Did you guys think I'd turn on you just after waking up?'

"Oh. Well, let's be on our way then. Everyone else on the train has already got off," Joseph says.

Everyone begins to walk away except for Jotaro and Kakyoin who stayed behind, continuing to look at me.

"You need something?" I ask a little too defensively.

"You and Y/n are shit liars," Jotaro says and he walks away.

I tsk, but I couldn't refute what he said. I did have Meili out for a reason... 'How did those two know? Maybe I'm not the best liar, but Y/n managed to pull the rug out from under all of you, so I don't understand that logic.'

"I see you two made amends," Kakyoin says to me as he watches Jotaro walk away and off the train. "Jotaro really only associates and talks to people he tolerates." Kakyoin turns back to me. "So what really happened? Why was your stand out?"

'Nope. Not happening. I can't tell him.'

"It's nothing. It really was by accident," I say again. Kakyoin sighs and shakes his head, not believing me for even one second.

"You don't have to tell me, but next time
I won't let you off so easy," he says. I roll my eyes.

'What am I? A 10-year-old talking to their parent?'

I suppress my urge to roll my eyes again and I stand up, "Let's go. Everyone is probably waiting for us."

Kakyoin and I both go to walk down the aisle at the same time and we bump into each other.

"Ah, where are my manners?" He says waving his hand forward, gesturing me to walk in front of him, "Ladies first."

"What a gentleman," I say sarcastically with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not.

"I aim to please," he says with his prominent pretty boy smile and a gentleman's bow.

I instantly flush a light pink and I rush past him so he couldn't see the vulnerable expression I had plastered on my face.

The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate (Jotaro x Reader x Kakyoin)Where stories live. Discover now