24: Wheel of Fortune

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"Can you stop driving like a lunatic? I'm getting car sick!" Joseph yells at Polnareff.

"Get off my back! You're the one who told me to drive and we're not dead, are we? That's the only job of the driver," Polnareff says as he turns around to look at Joseph.

"OH MY GOD! Watch the road!" Joseph screeches loudly.

"Yare, Yare Daze. Calm down, old man. It's too early to be yelling," Jotaro grumbles while crossing his arms, he was already at his interaction limit for the day, even though the day just began.

"Why don't we all just calm down? Polnareff watch where you're going, you may be confident in the way you drive, but you never know about the others on the road," Kakyoin chips in.

You were just sitting back, grinning at the way your group was acting. They really acted exactly how they did in the show. You gaze out the window, just listening to their interactions. You weren't too sure when the next stand user was coming, but you chose to be happy and live in the moment.

You were currently riding in the passenger seat. Last night you kept Polnareff company while he drove all night from Varanasi to Pakistan. You take out your stand and pull out your screen, you wanted to check on everyone's stats to see how they were holding up. You healed the group whenever they needed it, so their health stats were great. As you continue to examine the screen, you notice they are a bit hungry and Polnareff was low on energy, and so were you.

"Hey, you guys seem pretty hungry. Why don't we stop somewhere for breakfast? And after we're done, I'll take over driving until Polnareff is more rested." You say as you face your friends.

"Sounds good, Polnareff pull over to the nearest place you can find for food. And Y/n, are you sure you're okay to drive? I don't want to force you to do anything," Joseph says.

"Hey! That's sexist! You forced me to drive, but you give her the option? You cheeky old man," Polnareff grumbles.

You let out a soft snicker and you put your stand away, "I'll drive Polnareff, you should rest. I'm a pretty confident driver, so everyone can relax. Once we get food in our system, everyone should be good to go."

"So sweet Y/n, your two boyfriends are very lucky to have you," Polnareff teases.

"Sh-Shut up, Polnareff," you bonk his head with a flat palm. Polnareff just laughs at your embarrassment.

Polnareff soon finds a place to eat and pulls into a small restaurant. The group is in and out of the restaurant within an hour and a half. You get back in the car and you adjust the driver's seat to your liking. It takes a while for everyone to get in, and it turns out they were all arguing about who got to be your co-pilot because they wanted personal space. Kakyoin ends up just walking up to the car and getting in the seat.

You laugh at his initiative, he deserved to be up there with you if he just took it. "Come on guys, let's go." You say after rolling down the window. They all seemed pretty upset, but Jotaro was quick to take the seat behind you so he had more room for his legs.

'Geez, they're so childish.' You think to yourself as you bite your lip to keep from laughing.

You pull out from the parking space and get back on the road. You constantly keep an eye on the rearview mirror, to make sure the next stand user, which was Wheel of Fortune, didn't catch you by surprise. The car was relatively quiet and you start to hum a song to yourself to keep occupied.

"I like that song," Kakyoin says, pulling you out of your concentration of the song and driving. You flush, you didn't think you were being that loud. "Oh, don't stop on my account, I'm enjoying it," he chuckles. Why was everyone teasing you today? You change the subject before he asked you to continue.

The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate (Jotaro x Reader x Kakyoin)Where stories live. Discover now