Part 27

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"Who the fuck are you?"

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"Who the fuck are you?". I growled. "Who the fuck are you?". He said. "I asked you first". I glared. "I'm not doing that". He jumps in the room. "Fuckboys have no game at all". He chuckled. "Excuse you". I said. "Aww don't beat yourself child, you have another shot at love". He started wheezing. "Who are you!?!". I yelled. "God".

He laughs and I grabbed the butter knife on the table. "What the hell are you going to do with that! Trim my nose hair?". He raised a brow. "You're not going anywhere near Jimin". I said. "You sound like a baby protecting his favorite toy". He says. "To bad for you... I've been protecting that toy for centuries". He smiled. I ran at him and he barely moved.

He had two fingers on my neck and I fell to the ground. "Haven't you heard that you shouldn't challenge a vampire ninja". He said. 'Fuck'. I look up at him. "Saga! What did you do!?!". Jimin ran in and came to my side. "I defended myself! He came at me!". Saga pouts. "I was scared Jimin, hold me!". Saga hugged Jimin. "Get off me!". Jimin yells. "No! Give me love and Kandie!".

I watched them argue for two minutes til I was able to move. "Oh? You can move again? Should have pressure pointed you harder". Saga says and got hit by Jimin. "He is daddy's guest". Jimin said. "Then he should know me". Saga said. "I'm going to hit you again". Jimin glares and looks at me. "Are you ok?". Jimin asked with worry. 'He's worried about me! What a angel!'.

I grinned at him. "I'm fine". I told him. "That's a relief". Jimin says and pulls Saga's ear. "Ow! Ow! Ow!". Saga whined. "Apologize right now". Jimin ordered. "I didn't... OW! ok!". Saga yells. "I'm sorry". Saga bowed rubbing his ear. "Please excuse him Yoongi". Jimin said. "This is Saga, my personal body guard". Jimin said. "You're mean". Saga sniffs.

'This man baby is Jimin's body guard?'. I looked Saga up and down. 'He's going to get my angel killed'. I shook my head. "Yoongi? Hello?". I saw Jimin waving his head in my face. "Ye-yes?". I gulped. "I was asking if you would like to continue talking on another day? I would like to hear about your friends especially the guy with the long hair". Jimin said.

'They aren't my friends and please don't go near Yeon'. I smiled. "Of course". I said. "Great!". Jimin claps and hands me a piece of paper. "My number is on this, text me a day and I'll save it for you". Jimin said. "O-ok". I said. 'DAD! I GOT HIS NUMBER!'. I wanted to squeal. "Sadly I have to go, but help yourself to some treats". Jimin says. 'Don't go!'.

"I understand". I said. "Jin?". Saga says. "Jin". Jimin said. "Good day Yoongi". Jimin courtesy. "Saga, stay with Yoongi til he leaves". Jimin said. "I'm not a doormat". Saga huffs. "So I can call...". "I heard the blueberry stones are a little dry but good". Saga said. Jimin smiles at me and leaves. "Don't act like you did something today, you could have ask for his number".

I look at Saga with a smug grin. "Either way... I win". I popped a piece of cheese in my mouth and choked immediately. I turned to Saga for help but he was gone.


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