Part 107

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Haru looks at Yeon with a smile on her face. "Guess I have to hang out with you more since you're clearly the smart one". Haru said. "There's another one!?!". Mrs. Park shouts. "Yes". Haru nods. "The real older brother". Haru said. "He disappeared without a trace". Haru picks up a taco. "Rumors say that he knew that Hiji was going to be a monster and told people but they thought he was jealous".

"People ignored him and that's what caused him to vanish". Haru said. "Is he dead or not?". Dad asked. "Don't know". Haru shrugs. "Here my love". Haru feeds Hoseok a taco. "These are good". Hoseok said. "Right!". Haru grins. "Can we get back to Jimin please!". I yelled. "I actually agree with you". Mrs. Park said. "My baby is in danger". Mrs. Park says. "And is using Jimin as bait for you". Namjoon stats.

"I don't care! I want my baby!". Mrs. Park shouts. "Yana stop". Mr. Park said. "I'm not about to go and I'm not about to do nothing either". Mr. Park looks at Haru. "Yes?". Haru says. "Can't you do something to hell my son?". Mr. Park asked. "Can't". Haru replied. "The fuck you mean you can't!?!". Jin yelled. "Jimin told me to stay here and protect y'all... I could have sworn I said this already". Haru said.

"You work for us!". Mr. Park shouted. "You hired me to protect Jimin". Haru shot back. "His words are an order". Haru glances at Mr. Park. Mr. Park violently shakes and I bit my lip. "Then I'll ask Jaira". Mr. Park glared at Haru. "Yeah... You do that". Haru giggles. Both of the Parks walked out and my dad follows them. "I bet father can help!". Taehyung tugs on Jungkook's suit. "Come, we have to make a plan".

Jungkook groans while Taehyung pulls him out the room. "Joon". Jin hissed. "Jaira is at his villa". Namjoon sighs. "Then that where we're going!". Jin walked out. "Damn it". Namjoon drags his feet to follow him. "Well I'm going to find my Snow White without any help". Ryri scoffs and leaves. "I have a helicopter". Minsa says. "Bitch lets go find my man". Yeon grabs Minsa's hand and they run.

"Wait! I'm coming too!". Aza follows them. "Sh-she was here the whole time?". Haru watched Aza run out. "I didn't even see her". Hoseok shook his head. "You brought her here!". I shouted. "Ok but she should have at least breath or something damn". Haru huffs. "A witch thought she was dead". Haru said. "Haru please". I dropped to my knees. "Help me get my Angel back... Please". I begged.

"Even though I don't have a key...". Haru started laughing and I looked up at her. "Why are you laughing!?!". I yelled. "Cause you said key". Haru wipes her tears away. "I don't need no damn key". Haru said. "You don't?". I said. "Bitch, I'm Haru". Haru huffed. "You can get him?". I said. "Duh". Haru replies. "Besides, I'm not good at following orders... Right Hoseok?". Haru says and Hoseok starts choking.

"See... He gets it". Haru laughed. "Take me with you!". I grabbed her hands and Hoseok immediately slaps me. "Don't touch her". Hoseok coldly says. "So possessive". Haru moans. "My face feels likes its on fire!". I yelped. "But it isn't, so stop bitching". Hoseok rolled his eyes. "I'll take you Yoongi". Haru said. "Than...". "But since you can't do shit, you'll wait outside til mama Haru is finished with the chores".

"Wow". I nod. "Burn my pride why don't you". I said. "Hurting a man's pride makes me wet". Haru said. "Haru". Hoseok threw daggers at her. "Easy daddy". Haru says. "You're the only one that can dry me off". Haru winks. "Please stop... I beg you". I held myself. "Its like seeing my parents flirt with each other". I gag. "You're to pale to be our son". Haru said. "And your name would be Hariki". Haru said.

"Mmm... I was thinking Hosung". Hoseok said. "Omg... Did we just think of our kids names?". Haru gasped. "We totally did". Hoseok kissed her hand. "CAN WE PLEASE JUST LEAVE!?!". I screamed. "Gee fine". Haru glared at me. "Remember... Wait outside". Haru points at me. "Yeah, yeah". I waved my head at her. "Now...".

"Take me to my Angel".

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