Part 34

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"Jin!". I ran over to him and kissed his cheek. "Next time, can you please answer your phone, so I won't have to leave my Joonie all the damn time". Jin groaned. "I'm sorry". I pouted. "Bitch, I'm immune to that shit". Jin hissed and points at Yoongi. "I am the funniest person in the world! Ask any comedian, I taught them how to be funny!".

"Doubt it but please... Give me a explain". Yoongi said. "Fine!". Jin cleared his throat. "Where do meat go to dance?". Jin asked. 'Oh this is funny'. I covered my mouth. "At the meat ball". Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Wrong! You untalented bag of fucks!". Jin laughs. "They dance in my stomach and the after party is held in my toilet". Jin wheezed and I started choking.

"How is that funny!?!". Yoongi yelled towards me. "Cause you got it wrong!". Jin says through his tears. "I-I can't breath". I held my side and tried my best to stop laughing but to work. "Toilet after party". I dropped to my knees. "Jimin, you're a genius". Jin says wiping his tears. "Wow... You two are weird... But I will still hang out with y'all then my people". Yoongi says.

"Oh! Speaking of them!". I clapped. "Invite them over tomorrow". I said. "No". Yoongi says.

 Yoongi says

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"Please!". I begged and Yoongi didn't move. "Well... He dead, bye Jimin". Jin walks out. "Wait! Help!". I yelled. "He's already dead". I went over to Yoongi and gently touched his cheek. "Yoongi?". I called out softly and Yoongi shot up, which scared me. "I'll go called them". Yoongi ran out but not without tripping over a chair.

"What did I do?".

The Vampire & The Mistress(Yoonmin) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now