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She felt as if her skin was on fire. In her first ten minutes in the Capital, she was stripped of what little hair she had on her limbs before washed and plucked and trimmed to perfection.

Now, the blonde girl was laying with her practically bare back pressed against a cool metal table. They stylists had only given her a hospital gown after they took her out of her Reaping dress to wash her. To say she felt exposed was an understatement.

After long, agonizing minutes of waiting, the door opened and Adrienne immediately sat up as a man, probably in his mid twenties or early thirties, walked through the door. He wore a bright smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes as he saw the young girl kn the table in front of him.

"Hi." He greeted, holding out his hand to the girl. "I'm Serin; I'll be your stylist from here on out."

"Adrienne." The girl said as she shook his hand quickly before letting her own fall to her side. "I guess you're here to help me look pretty for the cameras?"

Serin laughed softly, sitting sown in a chair across from Adrienne and leaning back, putting one leg over the other. "Yes and no. I'm here to help you make an impression; starting with the tribute parade."

The girl nodded slowly. "Yeah, District Four is always fishing."

"True." The stylist said with a small nod. "But I'm gonna take it a small step further."

Adrienne furrowed her brows, confused on what the man was suggesting. "What do you mean?"


"I don't really like this." She complained as she tried adjusting her outfit for the tenth time since she arrived to the chariot lineup.

The blonde was wearing light grey colored underdressed that hugged her curves tightly, acting as a second skin. Over it was a white, fishnet dress that reached down to a little past her knees. Her hair was pulled back in a bun on top of her head, not allowing anything on her body to be covered. Small seashells decorated the fishnet dress here and there, along with a couple pinned in her hair.

"Hey, it's not that bad." Vern said softly, not wanting to upset the girl. The boy was wearing a similar getup; a white fishnet kilt over his bottom half, the grey bodysuit underneath and his chest covered by a similar netting. A small twine rope a acted as a belt, a couple seashells seeming to tie it together. "At least you'll be noticeable; you look good."

"I feel exposed." Adrienne whined.

"Well, I think you look amazing." A voice said from behind her. Turning around, she saw Finnick walking with Fleurie over to the tributes. "And I don't seem to be the only one." The mentor said, nodding to something behind Adrienne.

The girl furrowed her brows in confusion before she turned and looked at what Finnick was referring to; or who.

A boy stood by his chariot, a hard look on his face as he stared at the girl from District Four. His eyes seemed to be filled with envy, but Adrienne had no idea why. How could he already hate her?

"Kit Benson. District One." Finnick said lowly, causing Adrienne to look back at him.

"A career?" She said, now slightly scared that the other tribute had been looking at her with hatred.

The mentor nodded. "Yeah, most likely."

Over Finnick's shoulder, Adrienne could see Serin walking over to them, an unfamiliar man following next to him. The blonde boy in front of her turned around to look and nodded slightly when he saw the stylist approaching the group.

"We'll talk later." The victor said before he and Fleurie walked away, probably going to their place in the stands.

Serin got to the two tributes, holding something in his hand that Adrienne couldn't really make out. "I'd like to introduce you two to my apprentice, Cinna." The man said. "He's been working with me for a while now, learning my trade."

Cinna held out his colored hand and Adrienne shook it, offering a polite smile to the man. "It's nice to meet you." She said.

"You, too." He said before releasing her hand to shake Vern's.

"So," Serin said once introductions were over. "You've both been briefed on what is going to happen out there. All I ask it that you smile and wave; you'll need the sponsors."

Adrienne nodded. "Seems easy enough."

Serin smiles and nodded at her. "Let's hope."


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