First day

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Ok. This title may be like "Hiccstrid: The guy with glasses" but the title resembles the story so...I'm not trying to steal anything.


         *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *bee-* Right now we see a girl with blonde hair. That's me. I'm Astrid Hofferson and I just slammed my alarm. "Ugh....first day of my new school. Let's see how this goes." I mumble to myself. I slowly move my covers up to my face to cover myself from head to toe. "ASTRID! GET UP! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" screamed my lovely mother. Note the sarcasm. I groan and shout back, "OK! DON'T RUSH ME!" I'm sorta tired right now because I didn't sleep well last night. I sigh and get out of bed but fail and hit the floor. "Aw!" I groan as my face hit the floor. I get up, while stumbling, and go to my bathroom to shower. 

        After my relaxing shower I change into my clothes: red converse shoes, red plaid skirt, dark blue leggings, a blue shirt that says "I <3 Music", a light blue sweater, unzipped. I like blue. Oh! And last but not least my glasses. I need glasses because without it I'd be a walking seal. So I basically can't see without my glasses. My hair is in a pony tail, I have earphones dangling around my neck, and I have my iPod in my pocket that's on my thigh in my leggings. Ok....done with my appearance. Now. Time to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth I wash my face then dry my face and walk out my room downstairs into the kitchen where my mother is at. "Hey, mom." I say as I go into the kitchen and grab an apple. I lean my back on the wall and eat my apple. "Hello, darling." my mom says as she reads her bible. "Mom, when are you going to ever stop reading the bible." I say but quickly regret it so I widened my eyes and then said, "Wait! Sorry! Y-you can keep reading it! Don't hit me!" I say as I quickly walk far away from my mom. Trust me, you do not wanna anger my mom. I swear it hurts when you do. "Hm. You better be sorry. I'm right there so I can just hit you right then and there." my mom says as she continues reading but not before smirking at me. 

        I just chuckle nervously, "Haha...yea.." I say as I subconsciously rub the back of my neck. It's a habit I do when I'm nervous. I then take one more bit of my apple then walk back in the kitchen and throw the apple away, but careful to be as far from mom as possible, you don't wanna take any chances. After throwing it in the trash I go to the kitchen sink and wash my hands because my hands are full of juices from the apple. After I wash my hands I push my glasses up using my finger because while washing my hands my glasses moved forward because I was looking down. After a couple of minutes or so my mom spoke, "Astrid, I think you should go now or the bus will leave you." my mom said as she continues to read and take notes. I just nodded and grab my backpack that's on the floor by the door. I sigh then say, "Alright mom. I'm going now. Bye!" I say as I walk out the door. But I did hear my mom shout, "Ok! Have fun on the first day!" before the door closed and it was just me, my backpack, and glasses. "Well. Let's just hope it's not as bad as I think. I don't want any drama." I said to myself as I saw the bus stop appearing.

        I then made it to the benches so I sat down and plopped on one of my earphones and turned up the volume when I selected my favorite song, "Must be love by Christina Grimmie." After a couple of moments the bus came. I saw it so I looked up and paused the song and took off my earphone. The bus door then opened making the sound. I slowly entered the bus and when I did I saw everyone in the bus looking at me. After some time I cautiously made my way to the back of the bus trying to avoid any eye contact. I finally made it to the back and sat down, if you were me right now your heart would be pounding against your rib cage. After some silence and staring they all started whispering about me or are either back to the conversation they had before I came. I then sighed in relief because that's over. I plopped both of my earphones in my ear and played the song. I turned to volume up a bit so I couldn't hear the voices of other students. 

The Girl in GlassesWhere stories live. Discover now