Chapter 12

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"Oh come on! That was totally unfair!"

You laughed as the blue skeleton continued to rant at the television screen, becoming frustrated at the characters on screen. You and Blue had decided to watch one of your favourite shows together and Blue had quickly become invested, which made you both happy that you now had someone to watch it with and amused that he appeared to believe the characters could hear him.

"Agh, no! Don't go with him! Can't she see that the other guy has a crush on her? I mean, it's SO obvious!" he cried in anguish, dramatically throwing his skull back. You laughed again as Blue groaned, patting his shoulder in comfort.

"Well, that boy has a crush on her too - they're fighting for her," you explained gently, making Blue turn to you with a confused expression.

"Fighting... for her?" he echoed your words, falling strangely silent as he processed the thought. "They're both in love with her?" You nodded to answer his question and went back to watching the show. Blue had taken to staring at you with a conflicted expression, making you slightly concerned. You turned to him, raising an eyebrow as he sharply turned away. Obviously trying to hide the fact that he was staring at you in the first place.

"Blueberry?" you called to him softly, placing one of your hands over his. You heard his breathing hitch as he felt the contact, but he accepted it none-the-less and gratefully took your hand in his. "Are you okay buddy?"

The word buddy caused his to jolt upwards, almost as if it had shocked him. He snapped his skull to face you and you had a hard time reading his expression as his eye lights locked onto yours.

"I... I-I..." he stammered pathetically before sighing and lifting up the hand that held yours, raising his other hand so he was clasping it. "(y/n)... have any boys... ever fought over you?" he asked gingerly, tilting his head towards the screen to refer to it. You blinked before frowning, lifting your free hand up to cup your chin in thought.

"Um... no? I mean, not that I know of," you told him shrugging your shoulders. He stared at you for a few seconds before muttering a quiet 'oh' and releasing your hand to lean back into the couch. You shuffled closer to him, sensing his unease and wanting to help. You reached over and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, smirking as you felt him instantly melt into your touch. You pulled him closer to you until he was practically sitting on your lap. This caught his attention and he nervously peeked up at you.

"H-Huh? Sweetie?" You smiled as he used his new nickname for you, pulling him back so his skull was resting against your chest. He seemed to get the idea and allowed himself to relax placing his hands over yours, which were on his stomach (or lack there of). You grinned as he sighed happily, leaning your cheek against the top of his skull as you continued to watch the show. You knew Blue had been having it rough for a while now, though you never said it out loud. You were happy that he was able to relax around you, even if it was just for a moment. You didn't really know what had caused his sudden uneasiness and slightly envious actions but... you were willing enough to help him through it.

Blue felt so secure in your embrace. It just felt... right to him. He had no idea if you felt the same way or not but for now, he was happy to enjoy the attention you were giving to him. It made him feel special knowing that you were able to notice he was struggling and wanted to help him. He wished this moment could last forever. He loved feeling your arms around him. It made his SOUL leap in his ribcage. And you were so warm...

He heard the gentle beats of your heart as his skull rested against your chest. And, if he focused all his attention and listened really closely - he could hear the gentle hum of your SOUL. It was beautiful. The waves your SOUL sent out were like a song, a lullaby, carrying your care and love with them. He yawned as listened to the melody, slowly letting his eye sockets flutter close as he went completely lax in your arms.

You felt the skeleton you were holding go limp and snickered quietly to yourself as you realized he had fallen asleep. You gave him a gentle squeeze before standing up, taking him with you. You slowly turned him around, weary not to wake him and carried him to his room. You couldn't help but blush at the way he clung to you in his sleep. His arms were hanging loosely from around your neck and his legs wrapped around your middle. His skull was resting on your shoulder so you could hear the faint snores he emitted as you walked.

You made it to his room and with a little struggle, opened the door and placed him his bed. Looking over him as he slept, you were shocked as a sudden compulsion rose up within you. You carefully lent down and pecked a kiss against Blue's cheekbone, making him murmur something softly in his sleep. You lightly blushed before turning to leave, letting out a short yelp as bony arms wrapped around your waist.

"B-Blue?!" you managed to stutter out as the small skeleton pulled you against his chest. He groaned softly, tightening his grip as you attempted to pull away.

"Please... stay. I... I like bein' with you..." he mumbled sleepily, nuzzling his face into your chest.

Ooooooh gosh... What were you going to do now?! Your face felt like it was on fire!

You sighed as you reluctantly accepted the situation, wrapping your arms around Blue and settling down with him. You would just explain the situation to him once he had woken up. For now though, you would have to be content with cuddling a Berry...

Not the worst thing in the world~

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